William Byron

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WARNING::::::: CLICHE AND CHEESY WEDDING, also unedited so there ARE mistakes. 

"Katie! Katie, deep breaths!" My friend, Lauren urged me as I fumbled with my white, flowery corsage. It was gorgeous, flowers overlapping, diamond replica's perfectly placed around the middle, white ribbon flowing gently. My hands shook, and I felt my cheeks heat up as my Mom adjusted my dress from behind. "Katie!" Lauren grabbed my shoulders with wide eyes before fanning her hand in front of my face.

"What, Lauren?" I growled under my breath.

"No tears! I just finished your makeup, and you've never looked more gorgeous. I swear if you ruin my face art...." She trailed off and I laughed softly before slipping my corsage on.

"It was a team effort." Mom giggled before behind me. "I did her hair, and dare I say... it looks ravishing."

"Okay, honestly, it's Katie's wedding. Not a competition on who beautified her." Dad laughed as he walked in. He bit back a gasp as he looked me over. "Though you are.... Wow, you're gorgeous." He walked over and gently kissed my cheek. "William looks rather handsome as well... Your husband to be is ready for you." I bit my look as a grin formed on my face. Dad ushered Lauren and Mom out to go down to their places before smiling at me, his arm extended. I could see faint tears in his eyes and I sighed.

"Dad, please don't cry. I'll cry. Then Lauren will cry because I ruined my makeup. Then Will will cry because he gets emotional when everyone else is emotional. Then Mom--"

"Okay, sweetheart, I won't. Let's go." He laughed as I looped my arm with his. I heard the song start and my heart thudded. For a split second, I wanted to turn and run. Not because I wasn't in complete and utter heart-stopping love with William, but because I might trip, and there are so many people watching me and Will commit ourselves to each other. Our futures are promised here, our lives are locked. Together, forever until we're in the graves-- still side by side. 

That thought made me giddy and my stomach fluttered as the double doors opened wide. I inhaled deeply, watching as everyone turned to face me. They all looked handsome and gorgeous; dressed to perfection for the occasion. Then my eyes landed on William, and nothing else mattered. He stood ahead, staring at me with the widest grin.

His blue eyes were shining with the reflection from the dangling chandelier above. I could see his hands shake, and he rocked on his heels in anticipation. His hair was combed and jelled, and he was dressed in an adorable tux. His smile was the widest I've ever seen it, and I was with him when he won the Xfinity Series Championship.

Before I knew it, Dad had handed me off to William, who clasped his hands with mine. He rubbed gentle circles on the back of my hands with his thumbs, lightly and reassuringly squeezing them. I laughed softly, biting my lip. I saw Lauren waving me off, so I freed my lip in hopes my lipstick didn't get on my teeth. I glanced at Lauren and flashed her a quick smile. She perked up, narrowing her eyes before shooting me a double thumbs up.

William laughed softly catching our little moment. I almost went to defend myself, but the lovely pastor began his reading.  "We have gathered here today to join Katie and William in holy matrimony......."   I barely heard his introduction, but before I knew it, he was turning to each one of us, asking us to repeat things. "William, do you take Katie for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live? "

"I do."

"Katie, do you take William for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

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