Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

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A/N Yes, I'm still alive, still reeling from the Martinsville race of course. Also angry about that Phoenix race, but good for Kenseth I guess! Chase will get one and many more soon. Sorry for any mistakes.. but.....Enjoy!

I pulled my dress down gazing at my long legs and spun, all while keeping my eyes on the mirror. "Hmm.. did he say casual or fancy?" My friend Hannah asked as she watched me. "Because you look hot, but a little too much for a dinner and movie... But perfect for a bar or club and dancing." She chuckled and I huffed.

"He didn't say! O-or maybe he did... I can't remember! I saw him and talked to him, and the next thing I know, he was so close--" I trailed off biting my lip and smiling. "And he asked me out. Said he'd pick me up-- but I don't.... I don't know if he specified."

"Do you even know his name?" Hannah giggled as she sifted through my closet.

"I wasn't a complete idiot. His name's Ricky... and he's different... Easy to talk to." Hannah gave me a look as she handed me tight, black, ripped skinny jeans. "He is. He was like.. all dorky and adorable at the same time..." 

"Yeah... well, I expect a full workup afterward." She handed me a tight, white tank top and a long black cardigan. "Go beautify yourself, beautiful." She winked and shoved me toward the bathroom. I changed quickly, eyeing myself in the mirror. Hannah did my makeup beforehand, claiming I needed that sexy, sultry look no matter the outfit. I went along with it because while I put on makeup, I never do dark colors like she did.

But I will admit, I looked good.

After I went out, she braided my hair and smiled as she turned me to face her. "My baby roomie is all grown up." She gushed, fanning her face. "Use my black heels-- ooh wait, how tall is he?"

"I don't know!" I groaned, wanting nothing more than to leave this situation. 

"Mmm, we'll go with half inches. Wear my leather zip-up boots, they'll go with your cardigan and makeup." 

After a million touch-ups, I wandered toward the knocking on the door, silently calming myself. "Knock 'em dead, Renea!" Hannah whispered while poking her head out of the hall. I giggled softly, opening the door. Ricky stood there, smiling nervously. He had his hands clasped behind his back as he rocked on his heels. 

"Wow..." He whispered and turned pink. I giggled and bit my lip. "I-I-I mean.. Um..." He laughed and shook his head. "You look great, Renea." 

"Thank you... You look pretty good too." I laughed, tucking my phone into my back pocket. Thank god I didn't wear the revealing dress. Ricky wore a dressy blue and white shirt and jeans. I looked good, but not too good. 

"Shall we?" He asked, holding out his hand. I shook my head with a grin and took his hand.

"We shall." After the initial awkward conversation, we ended up talking a lot.  Like a lot, the entire ride to dinner; which wasn't at a fancy place. Damn, is Hannah good at this. Ricky ran around the car and opened my door for me, helping me out, and continuing the conversation about NASCAR that we were having. 

I didn't know he raced until he mentioned it, and then I was captivated. He began explaining multiple scary crashes, his wins, and his loses. He explained them a lot in detail and perfected them to make me pity, envy, and feel his passion for the sport. It was insane.

We went inside, sat down and looked around. "This is gorgeous... ever been here before?" I asked, gazing up at the dimly lit restaurant. Ricky sighed and shook his head.

"Gotta admit, my friend the Internet recommended it to me. Turns out they are pretty smart."

"Mmmh. That actually reminds me-- one time, my brother googled a bunch of dirty pickup lines to try and seduce girls at a bar." Ricky chuckled and raised his brows.

"How'd that go?"

"He worked overtime to pay me back for bail." Ricky widened his eyes and leaned forward.

"No way! He got arrested?"

"Possible sexual harassment. The bartender had heard his pickup lines and had enough. The bouncer dragged him out and handed him off to the cops."

"I'm assuming he didn't get the girls..."

"One. Her name was Sandy. Sandy only saw his watch and stole it after he got out of jail... then she pawned it. He had to work more overtime just to buy it back." I shrugged and Ricky laughed.

"Can't say I'd blame him-- I'd probably use dirty pickup lines to get a girl. If that's what it'd take." I giggled.

"Try me," I suggested and he put up one finger and pulled out his phone. He inhaled deeply and scrunched up his nose. 

"Ew." He gasped at a few, started saying some, but could never finish. His stumbling words had me in a fit of laughter. "These are downright disturbing and disrespectful."

"Like I said, try me." He shivered, causing me to laugh as I clasped my hands together and leaned closer to him, raising a brow, urging him to continue.

"Okay, but just remember, the Internet is a dirty, nasty thing and I don't think any of this is okay... I respect you, you're a beautiful girl, but just.... Oh my gosh. I can't. I can't. I'm sorry." I shook his head. I laughed and held out my hand. He handed me his phone and I read through some.

"Hey, Ricky?"

"Yeah?" He asked, smiling softly at me.

"I may not go down in history--"

"Don't say it!"

"But I'll go down on you." He covered his eyes and shook his head. I burst out laughing as his cheeks turned red. The waitress walked over smiling.

"You folks ready to order?" I looked from her to Ricky and laughed so hard my stomach ached.

"Sorry, ma'am, may we have a couple more minutes?" She glanced at Ricky, who was laughing himself, now covering his mouth, trying to muffle his laughs. His face was red, and it was the literal cutest thing I've ever seen. 

"Absolutely." She laughed, winking at me. I bit my lip and looked back at his phone. I typed into the search bar "Cute pickup lines". 

"This is more your style, I think." I handed him his phone back and he chuckled, clearing his throat and reading through them.

"Hey, Renea..."

"Yes, Ricky?"

"You know what this shirt is made out of?" He asked and I tilted my head, glancing down at his shirt. "Boyfriend material." I raised my brow, a grin forming on my face. He locked his phone, leaned closer to me and smiled. "So what do you say?" I nodded slowly, meeting his eyes and biting my lip.

"I say yes."

A/N iloveNiallLouisnLiam, you requested this ages ago, and I'm sorry. The pick-up line deal came to me while I was writing, and I feel like Ricky would be dorky enough to ask her out like that, so I hope it was semi-decent! Thanks for reading! Much more to come soon ^.^

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