Chase Purdy

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A/N For the lovely Bowlingirl101..Thanks for requesting ages ago and staying with meeee... enjoy! <3

Ashlynn Dillion sat atop her hauler in the pale moonlight. The dark sky was illuminated by the moon, as well as the strangely silent racetrack. She was facing away from her four friends who were messing around in the midst of the haulers and tents at the track. Karsyn threw food at Harrison, who splashed water on him and accidently drenched Todd, who got his revenge by pushing him into Chase.

They were a mess. "Come down here, you idiot." Chase laughed as he looked up to her, brushing dirt off of his shirt. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and dark jeans. His wide smile made his seemingly perfect teeth shine. They both raced in the K&N series together, competing and messing around with each other.

Ashlynn seemed to have the advantage, however, and that sometimes upset Chase. He knew it didn't make a difference friendship wise, but being the little sister of Austin and Ty Dillon as well as the granddaughter of Richard Childress... well, she had the name advantage. This didn't stop their friendship or childish ways though,

"I dunno, I'm content up here... out of the food fight." She laughed as she watched Harrison snatch up a Nerf gun and overdramatically gun down Todd, who gasped, grabbing his chest and falling to the ground. "Or the war."

"Don't worry, you big sissy, I'll shield you." He muttered with an eye roll. She scoffed with a smile as she pushed herself up and walked to the back of the hauler to where she had propped a ladder. She climbed down and was met by Chase. 

"Man shield better come in handy...." She teased and he snorted before dragging hr around the front and grabbing a Nerf gun. Todd shot at her and she squealed as Chase shot him. 

The group of friends spent hours childishly playing. They'd shoot each other with Nerf guns or push each other in front of the stray bullets. Then, when they grew increasingly tired, they'd all sit around with each other and just talk. Karsyn grew tired and went to bed while Todd and Harrison ditched to get something to eat. That left Chase and Ashlynn. Neither minded, and actually prefered the comfort between the two.

They'd talk about racing and family and the future. However, the future lead into an odd conversation. "Do you see me in your future?" Ashlynn asked hesitantly and Chase looked over to her. 

"Um... Yeah. I see you with me every step of the way." He smiled and she grinned slowly. "Am I in your future in your huge, far-fetched dreams?" He asked teasingly and hse grinned tiredly.

"Yes, you're there... and they're not far fetched. You know as well as I do you and I will be competing for a NASCAR Monster Cup title together. Or whatever the sponsor may change to between now and then." She shrugged with a small smile and he nodded.

"Can I ask you a question that will either make or break your.... future." He hesitated. She laughed softly and shook her head.

"Sure, but not if it'll break it.. My future is looking pretty colorful." She shrugged and he smiled awkwardly, trying to find the precise words.

"How about we go out?" He asked suddenly, rather loudly. "Just you and me."

"A date?" She asked slowly, her brows raised.

"I guess, yeah. U-u-unless, you're.... unless you don't want to... then, we can.. ya know--"

"Chase, stop." She cut him off and stretched with a wide grin, her heart hammering in her chest. "I'd love to go out with you, just you." She teased softly and he chuckled and covered his face.

"I feel really dumb." He laughed and she turned to face him more.

"Why? I do want to, I really do."

"Because I.. I just do." He laughed and she threw her arms around him.

"Don't. But you are sorta adorable when you blush...." She teased and he groaned as he slowly hugged her back.

"When are you free?"

"Whenever you want to take me out." 

A/N Short, abrupt ending, meh. I tried. 

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