Love Triangle- Ryan Blaney | Chase Elliott

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For betourneautumn, hope this is okay. There wasn't much to go on and a lil miscommunication-- hope it's alright though <3 short and sweet?


Elena's bright eyes were locked on the boys as she watched them argue and fight. Spit flew, voice reverberated loudly, fingers pointed... She tried to remember where it all went wrong. She traveled backward through time within the depths of her mind, but no matter what, she couldn't figure it out. She remembered when she met Ryan, how he treated her like a queen from day one. She remembered feeling happy and safe with him...

Then she remembered when she was with Chase and how much carefree fun they had. She felt like she was on top of the world with him. She laughed so hard, smiled every second, and his sarcastic persona made her feel at home.

Not to mention they were both very easy on the eyes. 

She didn't realize there was a line to cross, she didn't know when the best friends turned on each other. She didn't know how she could have possibly let it happen... but it was clear it was happening. And there was no stopping it.

So as she watched them, stiff and frozen in time, she didn't realize when Ryan's fist lifted and connected with Chase's nose. Her heart jumped in her throat as she stumbled to her feet, only for Chase to throw a punch back at him. "Chase--" She grabbed his wrist only for him to shake her off and plant another punch on Ryan.

The latter fell back violently and crashed into the wall, grunting as he did so. The yelling continued-- but she was deaf to it as her erratic heartbeat increased. Her hands furiously ran through her hair as anxiety overwhelmed her being, watching them throw punches and attack each other. She tried numerous times to pull them apart, but it was fruitless. They were determined to inflict pain on each other. It was no longer about Elena, but about hurting each other. And it made her sick to her stomach.

She had tears on her face as her hands shook, eyes cold as her brother ran inside yelling as well-- it was all a blur. Literally and figuratively.

Jeremy, her brother, tore the boys apart, yelling at them both to leave Elena's home. With some (a lot of) protest, the boys left, Ryan hanging back to apologize after seeing how upset she was only for Jeremy to shoo him out as well. He demanded an explanation but she didn't have one--

She didn't know where it went wrong.


Ryan B(17)
Chase (4)

Her phone was blown up with apologies and explanations and excuses. She wasn't having it. Her intention when she first met the boys wasn't romantic, though things may have turned that way. She wanted to have fun,  have a good time, and truthfully, she did. However, that didn't change the facts.

They physically fought in the safety of her own home. Over her. She wanted to drop them both, cut off all emotional ties and lose their numbers and her every memory with them in it. But she almost didn't want to. Ryan was clearly sorry, he was evidently worried. And Chase clearly didn't want to bug her if she wasn't having him. He didn't want to be clinging and spam her with his sorrow-- two opposites. Two completely different people.

But it'd never work choosing one (romantically) and trying to befriend the other. At least, not now. Lines were crossed. There was no going back.

So she sat on her bed, biting down on her bottom lip as her thumb hovered over his contact name. She sighed softly, not wanting to let the other boy go.

Maybe in the distant future, they'd all be able to be together... and maybe not. 

Maybe she'd be happy.........

And maybe not.

Regardless, her thumb pressed send.

Three rings... within them, three things happened.

Her breath hitched.

Her mouth grew parched.

And her eyes fell to her lefft hand, envisioning an elegant band around it.

"Hey," She answered when she heard his voice... a light smile coveting her features. "It's Elena..." Which he knew. "Could you come over? I want to talk."

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