William Byron

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William... where do I start with him. He's adorable. He's my absolute best friend... I am positive I can confide in him to tell him anything and he'd be supportive. That's just how he is, he's a happy-go-lucky boy on the rise for NASCAR. He's talented... and I want nothing more than for him to be the best in the sport. 

Seeing him go... it was heartbreaking. I was shocked he'd leave me here, in school, alone. It was... odd to think my best friend would leave me. But he assured me he'd come back and he would visit me and call everyday. And he did... of course he did. He's my William.

"Please don't go... I want you to follow your dreams.. I really do. But I'll.... miss you." Alexandra sighed, tears covering her eyes. William's lips were almost in a complete pout as he pulled in his best friend, gently rubbing up and down her back.

"I'll miss you too, Alex. But hey, we can still hang out! I'll call or text all the time. We'll facetime and I'll visit you." He smiled and pulled away, silently thanking God she wasn't crying because then he may just cry as well. Maybe. Maybe definitely.

"The K&N series... it's a big step.. I'll come watch you race." She sniffled, glancing at the taxi that held a bunch of his stuff to bring to North Carolina where they asked him to move to be closer to the shop. "You better win all the time for me."

"All the time? For you? Wouldn't ever think of doing anything different." He scoffed and she laughed, hugging him again gently.

"Oh, and don't forget about me."

"I couldn't ever forget about you, Alex."

That was then... and this is now. Years later. I haven't seen Will in forever. Since then the last time I saw him... a lot has happened. For one, I got my own place and I'm top in my classes in college! I got a pet fish, I named him Rock, and I have a cool new job. I got a few new friends, diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, I learned how to properly party, and I happily have invested in a better insurance.

Yeah, the big one. I have cancer. I try to stay positive. My therapist says that's good. She also says I should tell my best friend but I've kept it silent for well over a year now. It's easy when I only ever talk to him on the phone and never see him in person. It also helps when I have surgeries i can just tell him I'm on vacation or something....

I set my spoon in my bowl of cereal and sighed as I stood. The TV was loud, the fan was just a turning a long, the rain was pitter-pattering on the room. It was a quiet Thursday, one that I've grown accustomed to.  A lonely, rainy day filled with junk food and TV. It was actual the "norm" for everyday nowadays.

A knock sounded at my door and I sighed heavily as I turned on my heel. The newspaper kid doesn't have to knock. I already told him, just leave it in the mailbox. I walked to the door and pulled it open. "Hey, James--" I stopped mid-sentence as I was met by familiar blue eyes. "William!"I  screamed, a grin spreading across my face as I darted toward him, encasing him in a tight hug. His clothes were stuck to him as the rain drenched them both, his adorable blonde hair stuck to his head. He laughed, hugging my thin frame back. He frowned, noticing just how thin she was.

"Hey, Alex..." He trailed off squinting through the rain as he grinned. "I'm so happy to see you.'

"I'm happy to see you!" I laughed, wiping away the rain in my eyes. I pulled back, held him at arm's length before laughing again. "I can't believe it! Come in, come in!" I smiled and tugged him inside. "I'm so happy you're here! Can I get you anything?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, I'm okay! How have you been?"

"Great! You?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Okay... missed you." he laughed, running a hand through his wet hair. I giggled and nodded, watching him.

"I can't believe you're here..."

"Yeah... pretty crazy. Hey, you sick?" He asked and my smile faltered. How did he know? How the hell did he know?

"I'm... it's not..."

"I'm only asking because you're pale and thin.... I didn't mean to sound ignorant."

"I need to tell you. I've been keeping it in since forever... and you'll probably hate me but I originally wanted to let you know in person. Then plans were canceled." I trailed off and sighed heavily. "William, I'm sorry. I should have told you."

"Okay, you're scaring me A..." He laughed anxiously.

"I'm sick. I am sick. You're right." I fumbled with my hands and looked down. "I'm sick." I repeated. "Really badly. I have... I've got cancer, William." WIlliam's eyes widened and he leaned forward, his eyes scanning me like I would fall apart. "Ovarian Cancer... I'm okay though. I'm.."

"No. No you're  not okay... Wait.... wait, you're... I can't... oh my gosh." He pulled me in for a tight hug, squishing me again him. "I'm so sorry. Had I known... ugh, Alex! I'm so sorry." 

"It's okay, William. I'll kick cancers ass...' I trailed off and swallowed thickly. "I've been doing all this pretty much alone, and I sorta like it. It's like.... it's almost like it's not as bad or serious."  I shrugged and he pulled back.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked loudly. "Nothing makes cancer any less bad, except no cancer." He sighed and shook his head. "I'm so sorry I haven't been here for you." 

"It's okay. I mean,  I never told you. It's really okay. I have a super cool therapist, and a couple friends at the doctors. Patients there... Promise me you won't make this a big deal until it is one, okay?" I asked and William gave me a look. "Okay?"

"Fine. But you'll not leave me. You'll be with me. You can travel with me, okay? I can help you." His smile was prominent, genuine. I shook my head and smiled warmly.

"We'll see Byron."

A/N This was short... I didn't really know where to go with it, obviously. So, I hope you liked it, josefsperfection !


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