Something Bad Happened.....(TMBTWBTF-Part 5)

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Papyrus watches in horror as his dad takes a hit for mega damage from the human.(TRY 500 HP DAMAGE!!!!)  Gaster stumbles back some but stands his ground. He won't let this human kill him or anyone. Papyrus looks past gaster and the human and sees the other guards running with their weapons out.

The human looks behind them and see the guards and a look of fear cross their face.At this moment, the human knew, they fucked up! )

Gaster puts one hand over the cut made by the attack and blood pools and runs over his hand, he won't last any longer with this, his vision blurs and goes black.

The guards get closer and see gaster collapse but before one of the guards can fire an attack at the human, Papyrus summons and fires a blaster in to the humans chest when the have their back turned, it does 20 HP damage and the human collapses dead.
Papyrus de-summoned the blaster and kneels down and teleports him and gaster to their house.

"SANS!? COME HERE HURRY DADS HURT!" calls papyrus out and
the door to the back lab opens quickly and sans runs out.

"Pap-" sans see gaster with the big red cut running across his chest, and gasps, stunned in place by the sight of his hurt father 

"p-pa-p... W-wha-hat. him...?"

"A human attacked and he got really hurt please sans I need your help to heal him so I can get undyne."

"O-okay...."sans moves over next to his brother.

"Alright bro... I need you to use your magic think healing."

"Mhm..." Sans's left eye glows a faded blue.

"I need out to think really good happy thoughts to make your healing magic more powerful."
Sans nods, closes his eyes and a bright blue glow erupts from his hands which Papyrus moves over the wound on their father. 

"That's it bro now I have to go get undyne ok? Just keep your hands here till I get back,k?"

"O-okay paps.."

Papyrus teleports just outside of undyne's lab, and knocks rapidly.

"Undyne! Please open up it's an emergency in snowdin!"

(+-'im so evil cliffhanger!! Yup dadster is hurt well if you didn't keep in mind that this is a horror book then .... Keep it in mind for next time!!;!!'-+)

(+'oh! PS. Gaster-mmfmjhsgshhsidjcjfksks- sorry can't spoil the good parts!!!'+)

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