The Dead Man Lives...?

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(( MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So because not many have voted on what option they want to happen to the characters.... I say firetruck!! I will choose what happens then!!!

And the title is some what of a give away... If you know what I mean! And not many will.


How many of you remember the note I made at the end of chapter 7? ... Well if you don't, it's the chapter I killed gaster in, so ... Go look at it real quick then come back and think on it ... Now if you did congrats on realizing what I mean!
*Tosses confetti everywhere*
Hehehe! ))

* P.O.V. OF YOU . . . K N O W . . . W. H. O. . . . *( if you don't, sorry.)

I sit in the bleekness of the dark void, watching my sons grow up and become tormented by the foes of life. 'I can't stand this! I will NOT Sit here and watch my sons life be ruined by those who hated me!!'.


"I will save my sons!"

*P.O.V. CHANGE outside of Doggo*

Papyrus and Alphys are now searching the snow forest with some of the other sentry's from snowdin, when doggo finds an old warehouse.

Doggo pulls out his phone and calls alphys. "Hey boss I found an old warehouse out here past fuilups."

"Good work, we're on our way. Don't go in till me and Pap's get there."

"Got it boss."


"Alright time to... Wait.. what was that..?"

The vague sound of a scream, comes from the warehouse."ah!"

Doggo looks over at the warehouse and walks cautiously closer to it as the scream gets louder "Ahh! No! please! Sto-ahh!".

"Boss told me not to go in...but, whoever that is in there,
Needs help."


  Jacks looks at Ray as he pounds relentlessly in to Blues summoned vag

"Heh!- he's! S-so fucking t-tight!"

Ray nods as he strokes himself, preparing to penetrate blue from the front.

((** This chapter is brought to you by the power of double filled Oreos!!!** I am very bad at writing rape....and it's hard to find time in school to get it done, I cringe too much!!!!))

"N-no!! Please! Ha- ah! St-ah! Stop it! Please!" cry's Blue as they continue to rape him.

(( Y'all know what... I am horiedable*spelling it incorrect for a reason* person! I'm bad, you want to know why..? Cuz I'm skipping the rape stuff.. it's taken to long...)

*. . .HOURS LATER. . .*

Pap and blue are now home and safe... With a major change in their way of living.

Blue is cuddling into a blanket on the couch, Pap is making something for blue to eat.

Blue looks at the TV, its a replay of NTT News. Pap walks in to the living room with a plate of soft shell tacos.

( Ok I'ma end this chapter here...)

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