Brotherly Fluff Part 2

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* They pack a basket and head off to waterfall!!*

(( And I drew the picture above!!!!))

They are calmly walking thorough waterfall passing the second largest fall, when blue glances to the side and back.

"Hey pappy?" Blue asks his brother looking ahead of himself.

"Yeah bro?" answers Papyrus glancing at blue.

"Do you think I will ever be a royal guard?" Blue questions.

"What makes you say otherwise? Of course you will become a member of the royal guard! I know you will!" Says pap as he waves his hands about.

Blue smiles and laughs a little but the smile fades as he's says "well I don't think alphys will let me in the guard ... because she only teaches me simple thinks like cooking ... we never spar anymore so I thought ...

Pap stops causing blue to also stop and look at his brother questioningly.

"Sans I know you really want to be a royal guard. And so does alphys, she knows how much this means to you, and she knows how much devotion you put in to becoming a guard." Pap looks at blue.

Blue looks to the side because he knows it true....

Pap kneels down and hugs blue, "it's ok bro.... I have a feeling that you will become a royal guard. I just know it.".
Blue smiles and hugs back.


blue and pap make it to the special location that their dad used to take them to when he had a good day at work and got off early, which happened a lot.

Blue starts to unpack the basket and set out the blanket while humming his battle tune.


Blue and pap and now sitting side by side on the blanket looking at the ceiling 'stars'.

Blue is smiling while looking at them, pap looks down at blue and smiles for his brother is happy. 

"Hey bro..?" Says pap as he looks from blue to the Echo Flowers glowing a blue and purple around them.

"Yeah pappy?" Answers blue without looking down from the 'stars'.

"Do you wanna hug?" Pap asks somewhat shyly.

"Sure." Blue looks down and at his brother, then scoots over next to him and hugs him from the side.

Pap smiles and places his arm around blue hugging back, looking at the 'stars' once more, with blue looking at them once more.

*Time skip brought to you by a loving yandere*

Blue opens the basket and pulls out a plastic container filled with Taco's, setting it in front of himself, then a container filled with spaghetti and hands it to pap who accepts it greatfuly.

Blue opens his container and pulls out a taco bringing it to his mouth, takes a bite, pap who opens his container and with a fork spirals up some of the spaghetti and takes a bite.

(I'm bad at fluff..... sorry....)

***** So ... uhhhmmmm ... I'm done.... Sorry if it's not fluffy enough for you but I have to work on the real story like now .... Bye my cookies and shining stars!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🍘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹****

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