The Dream Of Death!

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((((*BLUES P.O.V.!!!*))))

"I knew that already silly!".

Death looks confused so I say "I knew you were the god of death because you came to take my soul!"
Death stops for a moment but I don't know why....he seems lost in thought...

"Uhm... death?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh yeah kid?".

"You stopped talking... Is something wrong? Because the magnificent sans is willing to help!".

"Nah kiddo just think'n...".

"About what?".

"What my bro is doing...".

"Your brother?".

" Yeah...".

"..uhm..if its ok... Can I ask you something?".

He looks up at me."yeah kid you can.".

"Do you like your job?" I ask sheepishly.

He stops and looks at me in a seriously surprised way then looks away a bit." No...not really...".


" ...I...I *sighs*... kid listen... I was created to reap people. I didn't have a choice wether or not the person lived or not... And I slacked off,not doing my job. So 'HE' created my brother. And he started doing what I lacked on... I couldn't let him do that... He was innocent... I couldn't let him...  *Sighs* I couldn't let gaster corrupt him. So... I started doing my job again. And pap stopped...and sometimes when I slack he takes them..".

"O-oh... spared me. Does that mean he will find out? And come for me?".

"*Sigh* kid.. I marked that I killed ya..  but I didn't. So he won't know.".

" But...won't they find out I'm not...well ...really dead?".

"Thats why I got another version of you. So they won't know.".

"..uh.. another... version?".

"Just... uh... Forgot about it..Kay?".

"But ....ok..". I look down at my hands as I fiddle with them.


"Kid lighten up." Death reaches forward to set a hand on blues shoulder but stops and pulls his hand back. " Look if it makes you happy I will go and let you wake up.".

"..." Blue doesn't answer death, instead just looks to his hands as he continues to fiddle with his hands and scarf.

"Kid please answer me..." Death looks concernedly at blue.

"...w-why...?" Blue looks up at Death as a teal tear falls from his right eye socket.

Death Looks surprisedly at blue.

" you... have to go...?" Blue asks death as another tear falls down his face.

Death sighs then says "blue... listen....your need to wake up.... Go back to your brother ... and friends ...".

"O-okay...but..what if ...I want to ... see you again...?" Blue asks sheepishly.

"I will be looking over you. Keeping you from as much harm as I can. And if you need to talk just call my name. Reaper." Reaper looks at blue and smiles.

Blue smiles and wipes the tears from his face "okay. Thank you reaper!".

Reaper nods and a portal appears behind him, waving he steps into it and the portal closes.

Blue still smiling closes his eyes....

*No more dream!*

Blue sits up and looks at the clock next on his bedside desk. It reads 3:10 AM.

'Might as well start my day' thinks blue as he gets out of bed and gets dressed in something casual. Then heads downstairs to see his brother passed out on the couch with the TV still on.

Blue sighs, grabs the remote, and turns the TV off.

Papyrus shifts and opens one eye to see his brother up and moving... Yet it doesn't surprise him until he sees the time. 3:40 AM. He sits up and startles blue.

"Oh! Morning brother!" Says blue in a quiet tone.

" what are you doing up so early for?" Asks pap tiredly.

"Couldn't sleep... I had a... Strange dream....well... More of a nightmare at first then a dream..." Admits blue.

Pap gives blue a look of concern but srugs and pulls his brother in to his lap earning a surprised squeak for the smaller of the two. Cuddling and not letting him go no matter how much he wiggles to escape.

"P-pappy! Let me go!".


"Pappy!! Let me goo!!".

"Nu-uh. Your mine.".



Blue sighs giving up."fine you win. But next time, I will win!".

"You can try bro but your always gonna lose with this."

A huff of annoyance comes from the smaller one. Pap looks proudly at blue and cuddles him closer to his chest and using his magic to pull a blanket over them and to turn the TV back on.

((( If Cindy don't shut the hell up about my words!!!!  !!!!! *NNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHH* Trying to say how many "woods" I have!!!!!!))

Blue turns and cuddles to Papyrus's chest and looks at the TV. Pap smiles and closes his eyes  and lightly wraps an arm around blue and falls asleep just moments after. Blue watches the TV for about 10 minutes then drifts off to sleep mer moments later.

(((((( So my friend has bothered me for this part of the story for the past I don't know how long!!!!!!! So finally!!! She may shut her face and read!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!¡¡¡¡!!!!!¡¡¡!!!! *Cough*. Sorry but yeah!!!!!! I will now start on that thing!!! I call blues **** I will blur that word for now cuz most of you know what it is if you read the past like 2 chapters yeah night star shines!! And my beautiful cookies!!!!!!))). CJ says go to sleep now.

The Start Of Something NewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora