Blue Had A Dream...They Met Death.

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( so flashback to when blue had a dream and forgot it after waking up)

Blue drifted off to sleep in his room and then he woke up... But everything was different... It wasn't his room or the house.. it was just white... And then he locked eyes on a dark shape moving towards him ... Becoming scared he scoots back away from them...

"Worry not little one.." said the dark figure moving eerily close to him.

"W-who..are y-you..?" Asked blue.

" I'm Death... I have seen your time counter that says it's time to be reaped" Death says calmly.

"A-am i-i goi-going t-to d-die..?" Asked the smaller shaking skeleton.

"Yes, I am sorry for this.." death reaches to his back and grabs his scythe.

"P-pl-please! I-i do-don't w-wanna di-die!" Cries blue."I d-don't w-w-anna l-leave pappy!".

"I'm sorry..." Death raises his scythe above him.

Blue screams and curls into himself scared. Death pauses and lowers his scythe. Blue is crying.

"... I ..." Death starts but doesn't know what to say.". I won't kill you...".

".. y-y-your...s-sparing...m-me..?"blue asks quitely.

"Yes..." Death says with remorse then thinks ' pap will kill me but ... Seeing how scared he was...I can't kill him..'.

To death's surprise blue got up and hugged him. "Thank you.."

But death hugged back... Remembering he forgot his gloves...he pushes blue back being careful not to touch the showing bone... Blue is confused.

"I'm sorry I can't... If I touch you I could kill you.."

"... But..." blue started.

"I have to go... My boss will be mad if he finds out about me not reaping you.." death steps back and a portal appears behind him.
Blue steps forward but death steps back in to the portal with remorse in his eye lights and the portal closes.

Blue is alone he sits and waits to see if his friend will come back...and to his surprise death does appear again.

**BLUES P.O.V.**

I just sat and waited for death to come back... I don't know what time it is..or how long it's been...

I look up and see a portal it looked the same as the one death used to leave... I see death walk through the portal and close it behind him...he's holding's a plate?...with....pie? On it?

"Hi death!"  I stand up and walk closer to him.

"Hi blue" responds death.

"You know my name?" I ask.

"Yes it's part of my job to know the name of..." Death stopped talking and looked at me then said."the victim...".

"O-oh... Well! Since you know my name! Thanks means we are friends!" I nearly shout triumphantly.

Death jumps a bit from me nearly screaming. "Heh... I'm not a good person to be friends with..."
'What!? He did not!' I think then say "If your not a good person to be around then, why did you come back?" I ask.

"Because Tori would be mad at me if I just left you here..".

"Like queen toriel? Or...".

"Tori is goddess of life...".

"Wait your a god?".


"That makes sense...".

"Uh.. care to explain..?"

"Hm? Oh! Only ink and error can create portals and they're gods. Like dream as well! So you must be a god!... Right?".

"Yeah kid...I'm a god... God of death.."

((((**** So this will happen till I feel up for the real thing the dream of death is only a two part thing!! So real story coming soon!!****)))))

Blue: so I had a dream I met death!??
A: yeah...... Uh blue can I have a taco?
Blue: YES YOU MAY I WILL GO MAKE SOME!!!*runs away*
A:heheh yeah... Bye star shines!! And good night my sweet cookies!!!!

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