The Day Of Dead (TMBTWBTF Part 6)

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The guards collect the human's body,and take it to the king.

( P.O.V. CHANGE! undyne)

I wake up to the sound of banging on the door. I get up and I hear a familiar voice... it that papyrus..? I run to the door and it opens. Papyrus nearly jumps at the sudden opening door 
"Undyne can you use healing magic?"asks Papyrus

"Uh- yeah I can wh-"

"My dad got hurt from a human"


"Yeah  I need you to come help heal him"

"Uhhh I'm not so good at it but I can do my best , one quick question tho, how long ago did this happen?"

"Ten minutes or so... Why?"

"N-no reason!"


(*!! P.O.V. CHANGE!  Papyrus !!*)
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and it's blue... Why would he be calling? I answer and hear a frantic blue.

"Pap! He- it- I don- pa-pap! He-"

"Wowowow bro calm down and tell me what happened"

"I-its dad-"

"What abou-" 

"He-he's d-de-dead!"

I'm super alarmed so I ask " What do you mean he's dead?".

"H-he said he loved us... And he turned to dust!

" Ok hey calm down! I'll be right there!"

I teleport to the front door and swing it open quickly.

The scene before me had me stop dead in my tracks.... Light grey dust on the coffee table...and on blues hands and just below his ribs on his shirt.....and even some on the floor....

(MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ALL THE EVIL!!!! " Now selling tickets for the feels train!"
I'm so evil I killed dad!....for now.....)

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