Someones Time Has Come...(TMBTWBTF Part 7)

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Now sans is crying and hugging his brother who is trying to calm him down.
  *TIME SKIP BACK TO SANS ( from chapter one)*. 
+**( this part now is a continuation of chapter one!)**+

'Pappy hasn't come back's been an 3 hours since he left.....I don't know what he is doing but I have to find out! Even if it really hurts me...'

Blue sits up with as much care as he can. Carefully he removes the IV tube from his soul, It doesn't seem to like it, So pain is shot to  where the tube was connected.

'i gotta get to pappy

Blue  carefully sits up, and slides his legs out from the blanket that covers him. It sends him a cold chill but he ignores it.
Blue is now sitting on the edge of his bed.

(* I like this so far!! What about you? Tell me in the comments!*)

Blue shakely stands up from his bed and moves to his door and nearly falls once he makes it, But he still stands and opens the door holding on to it for support.
Blue moves to the stairs using the railing and makes his way down to the living room.
He gets to the bottom of the stairs and semi-stumbles to the couch.

(**! P.O.V. CHANGE! Papyrus (aka paps,or pappy!)!**)

I have been gone too long....he is probably very worried. I look down at my hands that have light grey dust.. and deep crimson red blood.
My brother will be upset at me...But now he won't be attached by bullies anymore.

"Hey Papyrus? You alright?" Questions alphys.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine just thinking..."

"On what?"

"What my bro will think about me getting home with dust and blood on my hands.."

"It'll be fine just go right to your room and change! Then he won't find out!"

"I still don't know ....."

"Just go! the longer you wait the more worried he becomes!"

"Alright... Thanks fo the help alp.."

"No problem!"

I teleport right In to my room and grab the other hoodie and pull the one I have on off and pull on the clean-er one. Then teleport to the door,open it and walk in. I look to the couch and see blue out of bed trying to get his boots on...wait!

"Bro what are you doing?"

He jumps and looks up and over at me.

I move over to the couch and sit in front of blue.
"Where do you think your going?"

"I -i was going to look for you....."

"Now why would you do a silly thing like that?"

"You've been gone for 3 hours... I was worried that you were going to leave me.... And hurt someone.."

'! Shit I think he knows... Uhh play it off!'

"Now why would I do that bro?"

"Because I was beat up...for trying to help another monster..."

"O-oh.... Well if it makes you feel better I just had a chat with alp."

"H-huh.. you..oh.."he looks down at his hands I've moved next to him on the couch.
"I thought you were going to hurt them..."

"I didn't I promise."

( Continue to the next chapter below!!!)

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