Entrances Exam

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Izuku woke up in the morning to the sound of something frying. Izuku walked out of his room to see Tohru making eggs. She must have remebered how Izuku made them. As Izuku sat down Torhu looked at him. Her cheeks were puffed out and she said something.

"Guub normimg exoko." Said Torhu with her mouth full of something

"Tohru I can't under stand you." Said Izuku

Torhu then spat what was in her mouth. It was the cloth Izuku would be wearing today.

Izuku stood up. "Why were my cloth in your mouth!?" Shouted Izuku.

"Well you see my spit can remove stains from clothing and makes them super soft. I only want my little Izuku to be comfy during his test today." Said Tohru sweetly and with a cute. face.

Izuku blushed.

"She's to cute. I can't stay mad at her." Thought Izuki as he heard a beeping. He looked down to see the watch he was wearing beeping. That beeping ment he was going to be late to the entrance exam.

"Oh no!" Shouted Izuku as he eat his breakfest in one bite and then reluctantly put on the cloth that Tohru had in her moth. However like Tohru said the cloth were super soft. As Izuku came out of his room he yelled.

"Tohru can you fly!" Asked Izuku

Tohru smiled.

(Outside Izuku point of view"

I was flying through the air. Tohru had turned into a full on dragon and was flying me to U.A. It was so much fun and to be honest I would love to do it agian. As we got to U.A Tohru landed in front of the school. Some the students began to freak out since a dragon had just landed in front of the school. I could hear some of them talking

"Please tell me who ever has that dragon quirk isn't taking part in the test!" Someone yelled

No one answered. I began to clime off of Tohru and as my feet touched the ground Tohru returned to her human form. She hugged me and whished me luck before running off in the direction of home. I could hear some kids breath a sigh of releif. Since they now knew Tohru wasn't taking the test. I turned around and began to walk only trip on my own foot. As I approached the ground I felt someone grab my shoulder.

(Third person point of view)

Izuku had almost hit the ground but luckly he was caught by a girl with a long orange ponytail. She also had green eye.

"Are you ok?" Asked the girl

"Y-Yes and thank you for saving me." Replied Izuku nervously.

"It's no problem at all. My name is Itsuka Kendo."

"I'm Izuku Midorya."

"Well then Midorya we better hurry before we're late." Said Kendo as she ran ahead of him.

Izuku smiled before running to. Not after Kendo since lets face it that would be a little creep. No Izuku ran to his testing room. Once inside Izuku took a seat at the first seat he saw. Izuku was really nervous. He was sweating like a waterfall. Izuku looked around the room. He saw so many different people with differrnt quirks. Izuku saw a little panflit on the desk he was sitting at. Izuku picked it up and began to read. While reading it Izuku started to mudder to himself about plans to pass the test. Izuku stopped muddering when he haerd some yell hey. It was the pro hero Present Mic. Present Mic began explaining the test and was only stopped when a boy with blue hair and glasses asked if he could ask a question.

"Go ahead." Said Present Mic

"You said that there are three types robots but on the hand out there are four. Is this a misprint beacuse if it is I'm very disappointed in U.A for allowing such an error to printed into there handouts."

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