The Sport Festiveal Is Coming

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(Third person pov)

"So you're tell me. My dad, the same dad that works at a Mc. Ronalds in Greenland is the demon king of a different world and due to that I'm the demon prince." Izuku said trying to under stand this information

"Yes that's the just of it young lord." Ashiya said with an excited tone

"Ok you were right uncle Urushihara. My mind totally blown." Izuku said still shocked from this information.

"I told ya it would." Urushihara said with a devilish smirk

"Wait if my dad is a demon then does that mean my mom is a demon?" Izuku asked

"That's a negative ghost rider. Your mother is 100% human just like you. The only difference between you two are that your mother has no magic while you inherited your father's magic." Explains Urushihara

"Ok, but you've said I've used this demon magic before. I don't remember ever using any magic other than my dragon magic." Izuku says

"That's nature. You're body isn't used to your demon magic. So you demon magic took over your body and after those periods of time you'd have no memories of what accrued." Ashiya explained

"Ok so I'm the demon prince. Why am I just finding out about this?" Izuku asks

"Simple question kid your parents didn't know how'd you react. You could see yourself as a monster, hate yourself, or not care. Your folks didn't want to take that risk with you, but you seem to be taking it rather well." Urushihara answered

"Well I've been dealing with magic for awhile now." Izuku replied

"Oh yes." Ashiya turns to Tohru and bows. "Thank you for taking care of the young lord."

Urushihara didn't say anything but Ashiya grabbed his head and forced him to bow.

"Bow to the women that'll become the young Lord's betrothed." Ashiya ordered

"Get the hell off me!" Urushihara Shouts

Tohru and Izuku looked at each other with red faces. "Wait were not like that. I mean I like her/him a lot but were no where near ready for marriage yet." Said both Izuku and Tohru at the same time.

After more talking Izuku lead hid uncles back to his house. As the four entered Kanna and Luccoa looked at them confused about who the two new people are.

"Izuku who are they." Kanna points at Ashiya and Urushihara.

Seeing the young child filled Ashiya with dread. "Young Lord you didn't bare a child at your age did you. I know the funding you receive from your parents is enough to support but to have on at such a young is most indecent!" Ashiya shouts

"No. Kanna might be a child bur she's not my child." Izuku says quickly with a blush on his face

"that's good. You almost gave me a heart attack young lord." Ashiya says holding where his heart is

"Dammit so close." Urushihara snaps his fingers

"Looks guys I have school tomorrow so I need some sleep. So good night." Izukus says needing some sleep.

"Wait young lord where we be sleeping?" Ashiya asked

"Well I um." Izuku honest didn't know. All the rooms are full. Even the couch is take. However Tohru came to the rescue with an answer that Izuku is 50 50 on.

"You can have Kanna and my room. We'll bunk with Izuku." Tohru say rasing her hand in the air

"Excellent idea. Well then young lord we'll leave you to your slumber." Said Ashiya as him and Urushihara walk to there room.

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