Magic vs Quirks

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(Took me long enough to update this story didn't it. Sorry school has been taking up most of my time. However fall break starts today and that should give me the time to update my more stories more often)

Izuku woke up the next morning and quickly got ready for school. He stood in the door way of his house.

"Well I'm off to school." Said Izuku

"Have fun Izuku" (Tohru)

"Have nice day Izu." (Lucoa)

"Good luck Izuku." (Kanna)

"....." (Fafnir)

Izuku smiled before openning a portal to U.A. Izuku then walked through the portal to U.A where he got a couple of stairs from students. Izuku brushed off the stairs as he began to look for class 1A.

"Why does this school have to be so big?" Izulu askes himself.

After a few more minutes of looking Izuku finally found his classroom.

"Finally." Said Izuku as he looked at the class due to a bit of intimidated. Izuku mentally slapped himself. "It's ok. I'll do great. I just hope I'm not in the same class as Kacchan or that leg guy."

As Izuku opened the door he saw the same two people he didn't want to be with.

"God dammit." Whispered Izuku

"Izuku it's good to see you." Said Kendou as she waved at Izuku from her seat.

Izuku smiled that he at least knew someone in this class. Izuku took a seat behind Kendo. About a minute later a tall skinny man wearing black and a bandage scarf came into the room.

"My name is Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher. Now everyone hurry up and put in your PE outfits and meet me outside."

(Outside Izuku point of view)

Me and the rest of class 1A had learned from Aizawa that he'd be testing our quirks and who ever came in last place would be exspelled.

"Wait but we'll miss orientation." Said a brown haired girl.

"If you want to become heros you don't have time for pointless stuff like orientation." Said Aizawa. "Midorya I want you be the first to take the ball throwing test. Just throw this ball as hard as you can while using your quirk."

I walked to the center of the circle that Aizawa pointed to. As I did I could hear people whispering.

"This quirkless bastard is gonna be the one to get exspelled." Said Kacchan

"Are you kidding me Izuku is practily already in the rop three." Said Kendou

"What are you talking about. A quirkless loser like him should have never been able get into U.A!" Yelled Kacchan

"Bakugoe are awhere of what Midorya did during the entrance exam?" Asked a boy in glasses

"What did that little shit do?" Asked Kacchan

"Just watch you're about to find out." Said Kendou

Kacchan looked at me kinda pissed. I ignored him and charged all the magic I could into my arms. I took one step forward and through the ball. Upon throwing it a massive shock wave and sonic boom happened causing some of the student amd Aizawa to be pushed back or ro cover their ears.

The ball want out of sight and I bit my finger.

"Did I use to much power?" I asked my self

Aizawa looked at the device that recorded the scores and his eyes widened. He showed the score to the rest of the class and their jaws dropped. I had scored. I had scored over 2000. I saw Kacchan with a pissed of look on his face. He then ran at me creating explosion.

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