Sport Festival Begins

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Class 1A steps into the stadium and is met by the glares of all the other classes. Since class 1A had got to fight real villains other classes had come to the conclusion that the students of class 1A thought they were better then everyone else.

(Izuku point of view)

I look around the stadium and I see a bunch of different people, from other classes. People from class 1B all the way to class 1H.

"GO IZUKU/GO YOUNG LORD!" Shouts both Tohru and Ashiya

"Do your best Izu." Lucoa says

"You can win Izuku." Kanna cutely says

Izuku looks to the stadium stands and sees his Tohru and Ashiya both wildly waving flags that say Go Izuku in big bold, capital letters. They're also wearing bandages that say the same. Kanna and Lucoa just had on the bandages, while Fafnir and Urushihara were battling each other in Mario Kart on the their Nintendo Switches.

(Oh yeah Urushihara and Fafnir have been going at it with every game Izuku has to try to beat each other.)

I look away in embarrassment. Sure they're my family but still I feel a tad bit embarrassed.

"Deku your family is rooting for you." Uraraka says

"Yeah. They're really supportive." Izuku says as Tohru and Ashiya lets out another cheer.

I blush again as they cheer. Some people look at them but thankfully Midnight comes out to explain the first round which is just a optical race.

"That's surprisingly simple." I say a bit suspicious

"I agree with you Midorya. This event seems to simple for the UA sport festival." Iida agrees

"Well it is the first event. Maybe to school wants to make the first event easy so we can keep our strength for the other two events." Uraraka suggests

"That could be it Uraraka but we're trying to get pro heroes to vote for use. So making an easy event wouldn't really help." Kendou chimes in

"I guess you're right." Uraraka says scratching the back of his head

"We'll just have to wait an see what this race holds." Izuku says as his friends nod

(Midnight) Runners on your mark.

(Izuku) Good lucks guys.

(Iida) Same to you Midoriya.

(Midnight) Get set.

(Uraraka) I hope we all make it to the finals.

(Kendou) Who know we just might

(Midnight) GO!!!!!!

Everyone ran toward the entrance and soon it became clogged with students. Izuku looked at the jumble of students trying to fit through the hallway. Izuku was behind all of them in a crowded down position. Charging up his dragon magic into his legs Izuku jumps over the crowd and onto the course. Izuku then began running with other members of class 1A and 1B hot on his tail. One of the people hot on Izuku's tail is the ice boy Todoroki. The ice child attempted to freeze Izuku's leg  but Izuku managed to stay a few feet ahead of the ice Todoroki sent across the ground.

As Izuku continued to run three zero pointer robots emerged from the ground. However Izuku didn't stop running.

"Just remember what Uncle Ashiya taught you." Izuku said to himself 

(Flashback no justu)

Izuku and his uncle stood on the beach both facing one another.

"Like your dragon magic your demon magic can be normally summoned by you wanting to use it. However, unlike other magic demon can be power up by using the emotions of the caster." As Ashiya said this he summoned a red orb of energy and throw it into the ocean, creating a massive explosion in the water. As the explosion calmed down the demon turned to face his grandson. Ashiya puts his hand on his waist. "This is what separates our magic from all others."

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