Dragon Dating

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Izuku was running toward his house as fast as he could. He was still a little weak from using his demon magic for the first time (Izuku doesn't know about his demon magic yet). As Izuku ran up the stairs to his apartment he came to his door. He slowly openned it.

"I'm home." Izuku said as he walked into his house.

As Izuku looked around he saw Kanna sitting infront of the front door.

"Izuku you're home really late. It's almost my bed time, and that means there's no time to go to the park." Said Kanna as tears started forming in her eyes

"Shit. I don't want her to cry. Ok Izuku think. How did mom stop me from crying." Izuku asked himself in his head

Izuku thought about it and the first memory that came to his head was of his mother bribing him not to cry by promising him ice cream. Not having any better ideas Izuku thought he might as well try it.

"Kanna I'm so sorry. How about I make it up to you with a nice bowl of ice cream." Said Izuku

"Ice cream?" Asked Kanna

"Ya ice cream. To show you just how sorry I am." Said Izuku

"Yay Ice cream!" Kanna cheered now with a smile on her face.

As Izuku and Kanna walked into the kitchen Izuku saw something that warmed his heart. He saw Tohru alseep at the Kitchen table sitting across from a plate of food that must have been Izuku's dinner. Izuku smiled at this. He made Kanna a bowl of vanilla ice cream and then Izuku took a seat across from Tohru. As soon as Izuku sat down Tohru woke up amd jumped across the table.

"Izuku where were you!? I was so worried when you didn't come home at your usual time!" Cried Torhu

"Sorry Tohru school had to hold me after to complete some work." Lied Izuku as to not make Tohru and Kanna worry about him

"Well it's ok as long as you're safe." Said Tohru

Izuku smiled. As he began to eat his dinner. As he ate Izuku couldn't help but stair at Tohru. She had waited for him to get home before going to bed or doing anything.

"She really cares about me. Ok Izuku, it's time to grow a pair. Just ask." Izuku told himself in his head

"H-hey T-T-Tohru c-can I ask y-you something?"

"Yes, of course you can Izuku." Repleid Tohru

"Well I have the day off tomorrow and I was just woundering if you'd like to go out with me tomorrow?" Izuku asked with his face becomeing more red with every passing second

"Of course! I'd love to go out with you!" Shouted Tohru as she leaped across the table embrassing Izuku into a hug.

(Time skip to next day. Why beacuse I'm lazy)

"Alright, Izuku just calm down. You asked her out so why are you so worried. You have your phone, keys, and enough money to do everything we want." Izuku said to himslef. "I also look nice to, so just calm down." (Izuku's cloth in pic below)

" (Izuku's cloth in pic below)

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