Chapter 10

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I walk into school with Luke and Everyone around me wasn't having the best morning. Luke and Michael both look like they're going to punch someone. It was scary. I blink a few times before noticing my best friend was standing in front of me.

"Do not go to your locker." Tiffany says and I raises my eyebrow.

"Why not?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Just don't." she says and I sigh.

"Tiffany I have to." I say walking towards my locker. I stop dead in my tracks when I see the one person I never wanted to see again. Mitchell.

"Oh my god." I breath quickly moving behind the lockers

"See this is why I didn't want you to go." Tiff says and I shake my head.

"No no no. Why is he here?" I ask and she frowns.

"No idea." She says and I look over at Luke. I suddenly realize why both him and my brother were so mad.

"You knew didn't you?" I ask him and he nods slowly.

"Your brother told me this morning." He tells me and I stare at him.

"My god!" I cry and Tiff shakes her head.

"I'll get your books." Luke says starting down the hallway.

"Luke." I say chasing after him "I got this." I tell him walking over to my locker.

"Well look at you. Hotter then the last time I saw you." Mitchell says as I open my locker.

"Leave me alone." I tell him and he slams my locker shut almost catching my fingers.

"Thanks I was about to shut that." I say flashing him a fake smile.

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you." He says grabbing my arm.

"Get off of her." Luke says grabbing my hand quickly pulling me down the hall

"Thanks Luke." I say and he smiles.



"How is Mitchell at school?" i ask Calum sitting down at our lunch table. You see at a time Calum and Mitchell had been close until the party that changed it all.


We were all sitting on my couch when my phone started ringing. I pick it up and see it was a text from a very close friend at the time.

From: Kristy

Party at Jake's tonight! Hope to see you there! xxx

I sigh handing my phone to Calum who smiles.

"What do you think? Should we go Mitchell." He asks and Mitchell looks over at me.

"Do you wanna go?" He asks and i shrug.

"I guess if you guys want to I'm in." I say and they smile.

When we got to the party everyone was already drunk. i quickly lose Mitchell, which didnt surprise me at all. After a few hours i find Mitchell and he's on cloud 9.

"Heyy." he slurred walking up to me.

"Your drunk." i state and he frowns.

"Lighten up." he says and i go to walk away when he grabs my arm pulling me back. "Your not going anywhere." he states and i jerk my arm out of his grip. Before i knew it he swung and punched me right in the eye. The last thing i remember is Calum yelling my name. The next thing i know i'm waking up in a hostipal room.

*End of Flashback*

"I have no idea Kaya. But his mum is the best lawyer in Sydney. She must have talked him out of jail." He says and i bang my head on the table a few times before Luke stops me.

"Dont hurt yourself. He's not worth it." Luke says rubbing my back.

The rest of the day goes by in a flash before i realized it it was 3 o'clock and the bell rang. When i got out to the car i'm stop by the one and only. Mitchell.

"I think we have unfinished business. Don't you Little Clifford?"

Meant to Be || l.h (Complete* Editing*)Where stories live. Discover now