First kiss.

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First kiss!!!💏



Stiles : "Can I kiss you?" It was an out-of-the-blue, spur-of-the-moment question and his cheeks flamed right after asking it. You laughed a little. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything but we've been dating for a while now and I just really want to kiss you but I don't to pressure you or anything so I'll be okay if you don't want to but I just thought it would polite to ask in case you aren't the type who likes surprise kisses and I don't even know why I'm still talking because I'm sure I've just made a fool of myself and you probably want to break up..." What a rambler this boy was. You cut him off. "Stiles," he looked up at you, brown eyes wide and full of a cocktail of emotion, "just kiss me." He reached out very tentatively and cupped your face in his hands. He slowly leaned into you and his lips barely ghosted over yours. You felt, more than heard, the deep breath he took to steel himself before swooping back in to capture your lips. He tasted of a combination of the soda and candy he had had a few moments before mixed with something undeniably stiles , some kind of spice, possibly cinnamon. He pulled away and looked right at you, "Was that okay?" You simply wound your arms around his neck and pulled him back down to you by way of response.

Scott:Quick, soft, sweet. Those were the words that described it. You and Scott had been dating for a few weeks, and he asked you if you wanted to go to a friend's party. The both of you were talking to some friends and dancing to the music. And then someone had tripped, and pushed you into Scott . Your arms were nudged into Scott's chest and you awkwardly looked at him and apologized. You looked up into his dark, chocolatey eyes and suddenly time had stopped. The moment felt so serene, so perfect. He smiled lightly, grabbed the sides of your arms, and pressed his lips onto yours. It felt instantaneous, but it was full of passion, and you knew that the kiss was just right.

Jackson: Your kiss was sweet, short, yet passionate. It wasn't really planned, and you didn't even have the thought of kissing him. It was a casual day at school. You were walking through the hallways, chatting with your friends. You were talking about girly shit like makeup and boy bands. "I saw the Naked 3 palette at Sephora and it was-" you were cut off by a pair of arms which wrapped around your waist, picked you up and spin you around. Once your feet landed on the ground, you turned around, and faced Jackson, your boyfriend of 4 weeks. You giggled and said, "Hi Jackson!" "Hey (Y/N)" You both smiled at each other, and a small conversation went back and forth between you two. You were then cut off by the loud shrill of the bell. "I have to get to class! I'll see you later?" you said. "For sure!" Before you could turn around, Jackson quickly gave you a short passionate kiss. His lips were soft and full. You smiled at him, turned around and joined your friends as they buzzed with excitement.

Aiden:Alright," you say, as you throw a big blanket onto the couch and place the popcorn and soda on the coffee table. You plop down onto the couch, and curl yourself up into the blanket. Aiden, your boyfriend, joins you and wraps his arms tightly around you. You nuzzle into his side and press play on your remote, and you watch rio2. Near the end of the movie, you feel Aiden's arm loose its grip. You turn to him, and see that he had fell asleep. You quietly giggled, got off the couch and onto the floor and pulled out your phone. You opened up instagram, leaned back and was about to take a selfie, when you hear Aiden suddenly wake up. "Were you taking a selfie?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. You nodded, a smirk spreading across your lips. "I have an idea." he suggested, sitting up. You sat next to him, as he held your phone to take the picture. You were about to kiss his cheek, when he turned his head, and you kissed his lips. You quickly pulled back, but realized how nice it felt, and went back in for a longer one.

Isaac:"Hey (Y/N)" said your boyfriend, Isaac , beaming as you opened up your front door. "Hey Isaac !" you replied. You grabbed your pennyboard and closed the door behind you. You and Isaac were going for a skating date, since it was finally warm enough to actually go outside in Virginia. You set your penny on the ground, stepped on it and began riding through your woodsy neighborhood. "Damn, it's not cold as ass today." you remarked. "I didn't know the booty was cold." he chuckled. You turned your penny to the side, almost crashing into Isaac. "Shit, watch were you're going!" You laughed, "I bet I can reach the end the road faster than you." "Deal." he said. The both of you halted in unison, then Isaac said "Ready, set, go!" You pushed your back foot with as much force as you could. You kept pushing your foot off, but lost complete control once you realize that you were going downhill. Your feet had lost the grip on the board, and you had fell onto ground. Following, Isaac had hit your board and fell as well, except he was on top of you. The both of you began to laugh, but were cut off by Isaac's lips landing on yours. As they moved in sync, you knew that your first kiss couldn't have been anymore perfect, even if your knees were badly scraped and bleeding.

Derek:Hey beautiful." said a smiling Derek as you opened your front door. "Hi! What's this?" you asked, receiving the flower Derek had plucked from your yard. You giggled and placed the small dandelion on the coffee table. You grabbed Derek's hand, and led him upstairs into your room. "So they won't be home until around 1?" he asked, referring to your parents. You nodded. The two of you made it to your room, which had mesmerized him. He marveled at the photo collages on your wall of your friends, family and random pictures. Your parents were at a party with a bunch of family friends, and you being grounded, had to stay home. Although, you wanted your boyfriend of about a few weeks,Derek , to come over. "Wow, you really like... Your room." he remarked. You laughed a bit and said, "Yeah, I guess." You noticed that a couple things were out of place, so you decided to put them back. You felt a pair of hands gently grasp your waist, and you turned around. You watched his eyes, as he watched yours, and you both knew what was next. Your lips had linked together, making your first kiss. His lips moved swiftly and gently, yet they were so soft, and you couldn't pull away. It was passionate. It was amazing.

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