He takes care of you when you're sick

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Scott: "Scott." You groaned and coughed afterwards. You felt terrible right when you woke up, and it didn't help that Scott was stealing all the blankets. "Mmmhhhmm. What?" He responded sleepily. "I'm cold." You said. "Hmm. Oh, sorry, love. Here." He opened one eye lazily then gave you some of the blankets. You grabbed them then wrapped your body in them. You felt Scott's side shifted and opened your eyes to see him peering at you. "(Y/N), you look really pale." He stated then put his hand on your forehead. "You're burning up!! How long have you been feeling like this." He continued. "Just now." You answered then snuggled deeper in to the blankets. "I'll get you some soup and medicine. Don't leave that bed!" Scott dashed off to the kitchen. You felt your eyelids getting heavier with each second passing then drifted off to sleep. You woke up to see your favorite flowers, medicine, and a note on your bedside table. You smiled at thought of how sweet and caring your boyfriend can be and took the note. Inside the note was written, "Hey, (y/n), if you're reading this then that means you've finally woken up obviously. I feel bad that you got sick so I hope those flowers will cheer you up. Also, call me when you wake up. I found out that right after I got the flowers that we ran out of cough drops and those soft tissues that you like so I went back. But I'll be home before you know it!" Love, Scott. After a few minutes, Scott came in with the cough drops and tissues like he said he would get. He took care of you for the rest of the day until you got better.

Stiles: Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!" You sneezed. You were having a sneezing fit for almost the entire day, and it was seriously getting on your nerves. You had to constantly blow your nose and had tissues everywhere. The worse part of this is that you had a date with Stiles soon, and your phone is nowhere to be found! "Some sneezes are nor..ACHOO! Oh great. I feel so gross." Your voice sounded really nasally as you reached out for more tissues. *knock knock* "OH NO!! I can't let him see me like this..ACHOO! But I gotta tell him I'm si..ACHOO!!" You got up much to your disappointment and answered the door. "Hey, (y/n), I got you some ros... Are you ok?" Stiles took in your appearance while holding the roses. You were unable to answer because you started to sneeze again. "Oh, come on lets go inside. You're probably cold." Stiles grabbed your shoulders and guided you back into your bedroom. "I'm sorry, Stiles..ACHOO!!! I know how you went out of your way to get those dinner reservations." You said. "It's fine, (y/n), everybody gets sick, and I can always get reservations to that restaurant another time. I'll stay here to take care of you instead." "Stiles, no, you'll get sick too." You mustered out but just ended up sneezing again. "Well, it'll be worth it. Now rest in bed, and I'll get you some more tissues." You did as Stiles said and waited for him to come back. "Here you go." He gave you the box of tissues which you happily accept. For the rest of the night, Stiles stayed by your side and took care of you.

Isaac: *ring ring ring* Your phone kept ringing but you didn't have enough strength to reach it. You hadn't been able to eat, you kept coughing, and your nose was stuffed up. It was possibly one of the worst sickness you've ever had. Last night you played truth or dare with the boys, and you being afraid to pick truth because they might ask that typical truth question, picked dare. Aiden dared you to go swimming in his pool fully clothed and not to change but wait for your clothes to dry on you. Isaac, your best friend out of the group, seemed concerned about that, but he gets worried about a lot of other stuff too. *ring ring ring* "Gah! Fine." You finally gave in and extended your arm to get the phone. "Hello." You answered groggily. "(Y/N), are you ok? You haven't been answering any of my calls.?" He replied sounding sad and worried. "I'm sick, Isaac." You said then coughed. "I'll be right over." "No, wait Isaac." You tried to stop him, but he hanged up. *30 minutes later* "(Y/N), I'm here! And I brought movies and medicine." Isaac came into your bedroom and gave you the medicine. "Thanks, Isaac, but what are the movies for?" You questioned. "For you of course. I got Pitch Perfect, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and Titanic. Which one do you want to watch first." He said. You smiled at how sweet Isaac is and admire ,him even more for that. "The Notebook but, Isaac, you don't have to stay here." "I know, but I want to so make room for me on the bed and lets watch The Notebook." You did as he said and for the rest of the night, you cuddled and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jackson: "Hey, (y/n)! The girls and I are going shopping. Do you want to come?" Lydia had called you, and as much as you love shopping, you weren't feeling well enough. "No, not today. I feel awful." You responded. "Oh, do you want me to get Jackson for you." She asked. "No, he's at practice I don't want to bother him." You replied. "But don't you remember the last time you got sick and didn't tell him? He seemed pretty upset." She said. "I can take care of myself, Lydia. Just have fun without me." You said then hanged up trying to get some sleep. Twenty minutes have passed, and you still weren't tired. Then all of a sudden, you started to get really bad headaches. You groaned in agony and got up from the bed to get some medicine. Bad idea. You couldn't focus where you were going and tripped. "Aaahhh!" You screamed and hit your head. "Ugh! Why!" You yelled. The headaches were getting worse, and you just lay there waiting for them to go away. "Babe! I'm back!" You heard Jackson's voice from downstairs. Hearing his stepping on the stairs, you tried once again to get up. You finally did, but you soon lost your balance and almost fell again, but Jackson caught you before that happened. "Lydia told me you were sick." He whispered in to your ear to which you sighed. "I know you're an independent girl, but please let me take care of you when you need it." He continued, and you nodded since the headaches were too much to handle. He gave you a smile; since, you finally allowed him to help you for once. Jackson carried you back to bed and took care of you for the rest of that day.

Derek: "Derek, I hate being siiiick," you moan, your voice weak and scratchy. You've been lying in bed for the past day and feeling miserable. "I know babe, anything you want, let me know," he says. "I feel like you when you were on iCarly, and Carly was like your bitch," you laugh, but it turns into a cough. He laughs with you. "Except you're not acting, plus I'm a shit actor," he smiles. "Tell you what, I'll be your bitch. Anything you want, I'll get it for you." He smiles and kisses your forehead. "Okay, bitch," you laugh and snap at him like he's your servant. "Can I have some fruit? Could you cut them into cubes, the way that you do?" you bat your eyelashes and quote him from iCarly and he laughs. "You're lucky I love you," he says, returning a few moments later with some strawberries. "I say, you lie here with me and we watch that prize-winning episode of iCarly, for good times sake," you laugh, your throat hurting. You feel miserable, but you try to make light of the mood. He cuddles up next to you and clicks on the TV. "Fine. But I'm not replaying the 'buttersock' part eighty times," he says, remembering last time you both watched it and you made that part your ringtone. "Did she say buttersock? Is that a sock? Full of BUTTAH?" you say in your best british accent. He shakes his head with a smile and turns on the episode.

Aiden: You wake up in tears, your head is absolutely pounding. It feels like someone is smashing your skull from the inside. You groan in pain, tears slipping down your cheeks. The medicine you took wasn't working and you couldn't sleep with a headache this bad. "Hey, headache again?" Aiden asks gently, pulling you into his arms. You nod with a sniff and he wipes away your tears with his thumb. "Did you take medicine?" he asks. You nod and grab your head in pain. "Do you want something to eat? I can make you soup?" you shake your head. "Here, I'll get you a cold cloth for your head," he gets up and returns a few moments later with a cold towel. He holds it on your head and strokes your hair until you fall alseep.

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