The Innocent Will Never Be Set Free

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The following day at school was exhausting, I'd barely slept last night and nobody including teachers were allowing me to carry on as normal. I'd tossed and turned all night, waking up every hour when I rolled over and my arm would uninvitingly sting with horrific pain. Registration was awful, some students giving me sympathetic looks and others giving me dirty ones. It was enough that I already knew that people did not believe me, but the occasional person felt it was necessary to remind me.

Hunter and Liam had done their very best to protect me, having a go at those who confronted me over my so called lies but not even the most scariest boys in the school were enough to frighten off those who wished to express their opinions. Olivia had decided to move away from our table, making friends with other people in our year and Abby I had not heard from since the day she confronted me in the Cafeteria.

I'd spent my morning break with the Headteacher, discussing the next steps with the police and going over possible witnesses who would be able to prove my case. So far we only had a few people who could vouch for me, but it was something; anything small could end up big for me in court.

"I am so sorry I am late Miss." I shouted, bursting my way through the blue wooden door. My meeting with the head teacher had gone on longer than expected, making me late to Math.

All eyes turned towards me, some proceeding to whisper in their seating partners ears. My eyes dropped to the floor, suddenly I felt ashamed to be myself; to be Grace. Right now I'd give the world to switch places with somebody, anybody else.

"It's fine Grace, sit in your usual place with Leo and we can continue with the lesson. I am sure Leo will catch you up with the work you missed." Miss Quorts replied, filling me with a glint of happiness.

Without another word I scurried to my seat, chucking my bag under the table and sitting in my pride spot next to Leo. Just as I was about to say hello, I got interrupted.

"This is a joke, Miss!" Cal yelled, his voice filling the entire room.

My eyes winced shut, along with my entire body feeling tense. Shouting, yelling; I hated it. I never felt safe anymore, seeing a boy angry was enough to make me squirm.

Miss Quorts jumped in place, turning round to face him. "Excuse me?"

"If anybody else had of been late, you would of given them a detention! But because Miss Liar over there is late, you let her get away with it all because she made up some bullshit story about Luke hitting her!" Cal exploded, his face turning a bright red. Cal had always been so calm, collected; I never knew he had such a temper.

Miss Quorts eyes widened, "That is enough Mr Osbourne-"

"No! It isn't enough, she's walking round this school thinking she has won." He paused, people continuing to whisper around us. "But guess what Grace?"

My head turned towards him, his eyes connecting with mine. Spookily they mirrored the same darkness as Luke's did, maybe they were best friends because they were two of a kind; more similar than I had ever believed.

"You have not won. Luke texted me earlier, he's been let out of the police station and he is coming for you." Cal smirked, beginning to laugh.

The whole room turned silent, everyone flicking their eyes between Cal and myself. He was out. Luke was free, and it was clear the first thing he would do when he found me.

"Get out of my classroom, NOW!" Miss Quorts shouted, picking up her handheld walkie talkie alerting the other members of staff about the incident.

All within a matter of minutes, senior staff of the school would find him and undoubtedly escort him to the Headteachers office. What happened to him next was unknown, but I knew that I could not care less if I ever saw his ugly face again. He was a disgusting human being, just like Luke. Cal took one last look at me before he turned towards the door, slamming it on the way out.

"Grace, it's okay. We won't let Luke hurt you." Leo comforted, placing his arm around me and pulling me close.

"Cut the crap Leo, he will find me one way or another."

Leo opened his mouth to reply, but closed it once again. He had no idea what to say, because he knew I was right. Luke would stop at nothing now to find the girl who had ruined his life, his future career and his reputation. Even though Hunter, Liam and Leo were sworn to not allow him near me, they could not be there every living moment of everyday. I was doomed, and that was all that was left too it.


"Are you freakin' kidding me?" Hunter exclaimed, almost spitting out the sip of coca cola he had taken moments before Leo broke the news.

Liam sat with his mouth wide open, all his pearly whites on full show. "Is this some sort of joke? Because it is not funny Leo."

"Do you think I would fucking joke about this, mate?" Leo gritted his teeth, his fists clenching together on the table beside his plate of pizza.

"Well, I do not know about you guys but I am not letting him walk around free like this." Hunter exclaimed, his eyes glued on Liam's.

"What are you proposing we do then, Hunter?" Liam's eyes narrowed, examining Hunter for an answer by his body language.

"I'll kill him-"

"Will you all just shut up! You are not doing anything." I cried, sniffling into a tissue.

I'd managed to hold myself together during Math, but now we'd all sat round for lunch it all seemed to come tumbling out. Being around Hunter had that affect on me, it always had done; all my emotions would decide to unravel themselves, allowing him to see how I really feel. Around Hunter I was an open book, prepared and ready for him to read.

All three of them quickly gathered around me, comforting me in one way or another. No matter how hard they tried nobody would ever make me feel better, this feeling of emptiness was unshiftable and all over again I felt paranoid of Luke.

"What if he comes for me, just like Cal said?" I wailed, tears beginning to stream down my pale face.

"He won't hurt you Grace, I promise." Hunter whispered, his lips pressing against my temple.

The feeling of Hunter near comforted me somehow, but not enough to make me feel safe. I'd learnt that I was never safe, not whilst Luke was free and roaming the streets.

"We need to go to the police station, find out why he has been released." Leo suggested, "Maybe we can convince the police to put a restraining order on him."

Liam and Hunter nodded, implying they agreed. The last thing I wanted to do was go back there, face the police and questions - but Leo was right. It needed to be done, and I deserved to know how he was already free after the arrest.

After a long discussion, and pep talk Hunter wiped away my tears and told me to go to my last lesson. We all planned to meet in the car park at the end of the day, to go to the police station and get an update on my case. Despite the fear that was erupting inside me all over again, I was glad I had my three best friends helping me through this all. If I hadn't of had them around, I do not know what I would of done.

They've helped me more than they will ever know.

Leo convinced me to leave Luke, Hunter and Liam protected me with their lives and Leo convinced me to take action and report him to the police.

All three of them were the bravest people I knew, and I was beyond grateful to have such strong men in my life. I loved them all individually, and I would do anything for them just like they would me.

- What do you think about Cal's sudden outburst?
- Do you think that Luke will get what he deserves?

If you are experiencing anything similar to what Grace is going through, please speak to somebody: a close friend or family member, teacher or work colleague. You are not alone. ❤️

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