Lust, Not Love

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Liam's strong hand held the dark oak door behind me, allowing the scent of tobacco mixed with the scent of a home cooked meal to wrap round me. Liam's family was far from normal, the only person who now lived with him was his father. Just under a year ago his mother decided to leave, moving four hours away with Liam's younger brother, leaving both Liam and his Dad devastated.

"Liam, is that you?" Mr Coles yelled, from what seemed like another room in the house.

I'd only ever been round Liam's with Hunter, which is why I began I to feel incredibly awkward being here without him.

Liam sighed before yelling, "Yes Dad, it's me!"

He slumped the backpacks containing my belongings by the front door, continuing over to the fridge and pouring out two glasses of cola.

"After the night we've had, we deserve to have something a bit stronger!" Liam chuckled, grabbing a bottle of liquor and pouring a small amount into each of the glasses.

Oh yes. This was why I was friends with Liam. We always thought the same thing.

Drinking alcohol in large amounts had always been something I'd failed to understand; I grew up my first few years around my alcoholic father, and I despised him drinking and coming home drunk out of his mind each night. It traumatised me, but somehow alcohol now seemed to fix it all for me. It made me forget, the world seemed to fuzz away into nothing and numbness would over take me. Drinking was my escape; for a short time I'd be a normal human being. I guess I've always been more like my father than I ever thought.

"What have I told you about drinking my whiskey-" Mr Cole scolded, his words fading away as he noticed me sitting on the stool against the marble island in the midst of the kitchen.

"Grace, how are you?" Mr Cole asked, his short shaven head was the identical colour to Liam's but with a few dots of grey. He used to look so young and full of life, but since Liam's mother left; his appearance had deteriorated.

"I'm fine Mr Cole, thank you."

"Grace needs a place to stay for a while, I told her she could stay here. That's okay with you, right Dad?" Liam asked hopefully, his eyes widening for added effected.

I couldn't believe he'd brought me here, with all my belongings without asking his Dad first.

Mr Cole nodded, "If you two are staying in the same room, please just be sensible. I don't want any grandchildren yet!"

The drink I had began to gulp concocted in my throat, leading me to splutter and cough it back up. Did he really just say that?

"Mr Cole, there will definitely be no funny business!" I stated, shaking my head.

He began to chuckle, along with Liam. "Please, just call me Peter."

Liam gave his Dad a hug, thanking him and whispering he would explain everything later. It was no surprise that Liam's whispering skills had not improved over the years, they'd been that way since the first year of high school; he'd try and distract Hunter subtlety but his voice would burst out too loud and the teacher would tell them off before he'd even done anything wrong.

"Good night Grace, sleep well." Peter smiled, tapping me gently on the back as he passed.

"Good night, and thank you so much for letting me stay."

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