004 | The Moment You Realize You Like-Like Them

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Dean definitely possessed a hard personality for others to get along with. Especially, with that tough guy façade he likes to carry around. But once he started to open up to you, you started to see the real Dean. A hard working, fun loving, and caring man that would do anything for the ones he cares about. It was from then on, that you knew you had it bad!


Like Sam, you had always had a major crush on him but was too scared to admit it. The moment you realized you liked him was when he started dating Jess and noticed how seriously they were getting. Once the threat of losing him appeared, you realize how much you really cared about him. Sadly, you were too late.


You and Castiel had your disagreements and to you, that was half of the fun. You secretly liked to get Castiel all worked up. You found him absolutely adorable when he got frustrated. But it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt... You realized how much you liked him when you had pushed him just a little too far and threatened to leave. The thought troubled you more than you would have liked to admit and the new feeling of loneliness quickly started to creep in. This feeling made to you take a step back and reassess the situation. You knew you had messed up and you apologized for it. It was then you knew, you couldn't be without him.

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