07 | 32 Question Preference Game - Jack Kline Addition

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Enjoy! 😊


1. Who is the most affectionate?

Both of you. You're a Winchester; that means you're strong, independent and kickass. But, around Jack, you're warm and gentle. Cuddly and sweet, like a normal teenage girl. Despite your supernatural situation, you feel the most secure around each other!

2. Most common argument?

Dean. Jack is very forgiving, which can be incredibly frustrating at times. He let's Dean get away with way too much for your liking. So, you're not afraid to put him in his place from time to time.

3. Who apologizes first?

You. You can't stand seeing Jack so sad.

4. Favorite activity to do together?

Watch classic films! Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Star Trek, etc!

5. Who drives and who rides shotgun?

You drive, while he rides shotgun! You let him drive once, never making that mistake again!

6. Who proposes?

Jack. After walking around in the beautiful woodland by the bunker, he proposed under the stars!

7. Who sings along with the radio?

Him! Despite Dean's influence, you have always liked newer music, which, in turn, you have passed on to Jack. His favorite artists to sing along to are Ed Sheeran and John Legend!

8. Who worries the most?

You. You can't help it really. You've always been the worrier. You have to worry because you know somebody as too! And you know Dean, Sam and/or Castiel aren't going too... However, after a lot of practice, Jack learned out to calm you down!

9. Who likes to playfully tease the other?

You're both too innocent for that!!!

10. Who has the weirdest taste in music?

You. You like a bit of everything!

11. Who remembers what the other always order at a restaurant?

Jack likes Nougat! Enough said!

12. Who initiates the kisses?

You. Jack's really shy in the beginning, so it's usually you initiating things like hugs or kisses. But it doesn't take very long for Jack to become comfortable around you, gaining the confidence to keep you close!

13. Who reaches for the other's hand first?

Jack. He may be a little nervous when it comes to kissing or hugging, but he loves to hold your hand! He doesn't even need a reason, he just loves to feel the warm and safe feeling that he receives each time by your touch.

14. Who is most ticklish?

Him. You love to tickle him! He makes the most adorable giggles!

15. Who brings an animal they found home?

Like father, like son! Cats everywhere! All over the bunker!!! Just wait until Dean finds out...

16. Who kills the scary bugs?

You. Jack is new to the creepy crawlies, so you don't mind killing them.

17. Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night?

Usually Jack! He has hundreds of questions and you have no problem with answering each and everyone of them!

18. Who hogs the blankets?

You, but Jack doesn't really mind. He'll just cuddle closer to you, stealing your body heat.

19. Who wakes up first?

Jack, because he loves to watch you sleep in the morning, admiring your beauty. Then, after letting you sleep a little more, he will wake you up with light kisses and a fresh cup of coffee!

20. Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?

You. You hate mornings.

21. Who always makes coffee for the other in the morning?

Jack. It took forever, but Sam finally taught Jack how to use a coffeemaker!

22. Who always cries during certain films or when reading sad books?

You. But Jack is always there with a box of tissues and chocolate!

23. Who cuts the other's hair?

You cut his hair. You don't trust him with scissors. Not again!

24. Who ships it?

Sam and Castiel! You've even caught them planning your wedding once.

25. Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?

Jack. One of the best things Dean has ever taught him! "Always ask a girl to dance, son."

26. Who cooks the best?

You. You cook for the boys all the time!

27. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?

You. You're a huge fan of puns!

28. Who makes the other laugh the most?

Jack! He's too freakin adorable not to laugh at! Plus, he's learned a few jokes from Sam!

29. Who needs more reassurance?

Jack. Especially when he was first learning how to use his powers. You always made sure that you were there to reassure him!

30. Who would have to bail the other out of jail?

You. Dean and Sam are always ruining the innocent angels...

31. Who would sing their child back to sleep?

Both of you! You both would do anything for your little girl!

32. Who named the children?

Jack named her after his favorite flower. The same flower that reminded him of you!

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