Chapter 13:)

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Round the corner be there soon.

I didn't both responding, I replaced my phone into my pocket, looking up too see mums silver Suburu pull into the curb. 


Once I arrived home I ran upstairs slamming my bedroom door behind me with a loud bang.  I totally  ignored my parents and brother who where yelling my name from downstairs. I was angry and frustrated beyond belief.

 I clenched and I clenched my fists in anger, trying to calm my shallow breathing. I stalked over to my desk, grabbing a pen and note pad, kicking my chair over in frustration. I threw the items onto my bed before grabbing my light wooded, acoustic guitar from where it leaned against my chest of draws. 

I sat down on my bed, placing the instrument over my knee. I grabbed a pick from where it sat underneath the strings and began to strum some new chord combinations. Lyrics soon began floating into my  head. 

"I dedicate this song to you the one who never sees the truth that I can take away your hurt heartbreak girl....."

I closed my eyes as I continued to play. Images of Bailey began floating across the backs of my closed eyes. Images of her smile burned  into the blackness behind my eyes and the sound of her contagious laugh rang through my ears, echoing emotion into my words. Electricity and adrenalin hummed through my fingers as I kept repeating the same words and chord progressions, over and over.

They where the only words I came up with, yet only those few lyrics spoke a story too me. The words sounded nice as a chorus and flowed together in harmonious tune. 

I wrote down what I had formed into my song book. Titling the page "Heartbreak Girl" before going to take a shower. 
I felt some what more relaxed as I stood under the warm running water. Yet, as I tried in vain to fall asleep my mind grew even more emotionally  confused. Sleep remained far away as the hours slowly ticked by. 



I stood by my locker adjusting the layout of my folders and bag when I began to feel eyes on me. I peaked out from around the corner of my locker door to see Luke, leaning against the locker beside me. He wore a light blue button of tshirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows along with black skinny jeans and Vans. His posture was slouched and a smirk danced over his lips. His blonde hair fell onto his forehead as his radiant blue eyes drilled into me. No one spoke and we both just stood there, looking at each other. The moment was neither natural nor creepy. Before I knew what was happening Luke had pressed my back up against the locker bank.

My breath escaped my mouth in a shocked gasp as the cool metal came in contact with my skin. Luke's hands fell from beside my head down, lingering on my waist. He gently placed his fingers under my shirt, his touch causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I could feel warmth seep into my cheeks as Luke tightened his grip on my waist. His body was pressed up against me so close I could smell his morning coffee still lingering on his breath. We where so close, foreheads almost touching. Then, our lips brushed together, only slightly. The feeling sent tingles down my spine and caused warning bells to ring into my head.

I ignored my internal warnings and leaned in to connect our lips again. It was more then a brush this time as our lips moved against each others. The kiss felt like fire and heat it tasted like coffee and chocolate. The feeling encased my emotions as my hands trailed up to wrap themselves around Luke's neck. I could feel a smile form on his lips as he began kissing the small of my neck. Soon his lips met mine once again and the sensation deepened.

I curled my fingers into his soft blonde hair at the nape of his neck, pulling slightly making him groan. Then, my surrounds began to dissolve and Luke began to fade, his body became smoke, slowly disappearing into whiteness. I was then left standing there. Alone.

I jerked awake shivering. My body was damp in a cooling sweat and I was breathless. I could feel my heart leaping through my chest, I felt like I had just run 100m. I took several long deep breaths trying to calm myself as my brain replayed what had just happened. 

A dream. It was just a Dream. It felt so real and a part of me wished it had been reality.

A Different Summer (A 5SOS, Luke Hemmings Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now