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(Quinn's POV)

        I felt sick to my stomach after all that happened in the past half- hour.  To be honest a part of me felt bad of how I acted downstairs to my family. I should have never done that, I don't know what came over me.

   Don't feel bad of what you did, your family was wrong. You're strong and they are weak. You don't need them. Again with that voice. It's really starting to bother me.

I sigh. Maybe I should go down and apologize.

No! Don't do that, they don't deserve your kindness!

Alright voice in my head please shut up! Gosh if someone could hear my thoughts they would have locked me up already. However the voice did stop. ( Am I the only one who has  conversations with themself? Shout out to everyone that does do it!)

I pick myself up from my bed and walk to the door. Alec who has been snoozing shifts in his sleep but then is out like a  light again.

 I hear conversation coming from downstairs and I silently sneak my way to the stair rail. No one notices my presence and I breath a sigh of relief listening in, only hearing bits and pieces of my family's discussion.

"Thorin's not coming for you Arden" Uncle Lucius says. Who the hell is Thorin?

"The angel part went to you, and his rejected him and refused to go into his body." Angel part? What the hell is my family talking about.

"Arden I believe now is the time to tell him. It will only make matters worse if you wait." Tell me about what?

Suddenly my entire family looked up toward the staircase at me , shock written across their features. Sh*t did I say that out loud!

  "How much of that did you hear?"  Uncle Tim asks me crossing his arms looking very concerned, but I still don't know why.

"Bit and pieces." I answer truthfully.

"Well I guess it's time to tell you the truth." Dad sighs rubbing his face with his hands.

He walks up the stairs toward me. He hesitates a moment before going past me stopping at the top of the stairs.

"Come with me." He beckons and I follow in quick pursuit. 

"I understand if you want to ground me, I eavesdropped and that is a huge offense on your terms." He put up his hands silencing me.

We get to my room and he practically flops onto the bed. He pats the seat next to him inviting me to come sit down with him. I abide to his small request.

"Quinn, there is something that I desperately need to tell you. I never told you because I never thought it was going to be necessary. I didn't think that what happened in my life, would manage to screw yours up." He swallowed heavily and blinked back... tears? My dad never cried, who is this person?

He took a deep breath, " There is no easy way to say this. You know how Uncle Lucius is the king of hell?" I nod. " Well I'm half angel. When I was born my parents left me afraid that I would be found and killed. However they were discovered and a horde of demons burned them alive. I went to an orphanage for the supernatural. There I met my soon to be father's, Dark and Anti. You've never met them and I hope you never will. I guess they would technically be you grandfather's. Anyway that doesn't matter. Dark and Anti are demons and they ended up in association with a very powerful demon called Thorin. Thorin wanted me to be possessed by him, so that he could gain my power. Dark and Anti agreed and I was possessed for fifteen years." I gasped. My mind trying to wrap this around itself. I couldn't imagine it.

   " However your Mother and Uncle Tim saved me from Thorin. I was free at last. I fell for your mother instantly, I know sappy, but who cares? She went to kill Thorin with your Granddad's gang but Thorin mortally wounded her. When I got to her it was to late, she had died." He started to sob as if relieving it  in his mind all over again. My Mom. Dead?

    " I was so angry and stricken with grief I forced almost every power I had out. I pushed pure light through my hand into her and she came back. I was so happy. Finally we defeated Thorin by putting his soul in a everything proof jar. Lucius took it straight to hell. Your mom and I got married, had you and Lorelai, life was good." He paused and I knew something bad was coming next.

  "Until today. Word got around that Thorin has escaped from hell. When we separated Thorin's soul, there was a part of him left in me. The angel part of me pushed that part out of me a long time ago. However that part of him is in you Quinn. Thorin is coming back to retrieve it, no matter what the cost." I stayed silent.

"What should I do?"

" Quinn you need to do everything you can to keep him out. Resist every temptation and every anger cause he gives you.  You can't fall victim to him. I won't lose you like I lost myself." He hugged me rubbing my head. I felt like a little kid again,  whose father could protect them from anything that came their way. I felt so scared, confused, and alone.

"Dad, I'm scared."

"So am I Quinn, so am I."

Don't hate me yet everyone, the fun has just begun. Let's get this party into motion!!!

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Stay cool!!

Hiccup out!!

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