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(Nate's POV)

I awake to find myself in a forest. Dense trees cover the entirety of my vision. Silence surrounds me. Nothing seems off, and that's my first clue that something is wrong.

"Hey Nate, it's great to finally see you in person." I spin around to come face to face with...nothing?

" Oh don't bother trying to look for me, just ask and I'll come out." That cold voice speaks again.

I hear the leaves of the trees rustling and something jumps down from one of them causing my heart to practically leap from my chest.

A tall thin raven haired man steps toward the portion of light I stand in. He brushes what looks like a cream colored twig from his leather jacket.

"Damn birds, their bones always get caught on me." I take a step back as I stare into pitch black eyes.

"What the f*ck are you?" I try to stop myself from shaking but my eyes are a drop dead giveaway that I'm currently terrified by this man.

"More like who am I, which I will gladly tell you Nate." A smug intimidating grin covers his features.

"How the hell do you know my name?" His smile just seems to grow wider.

"Well it would be idiotic of me if I didn't bother to remember the person that took part of my soul when they were born." I see the fury in his eyes slowly building up threatening to spill.

The sound of static seems to fill my head. My head feels like it's being smacked with a hammer over and over. Cold dread fills me as I recognize the demon standing in front of me.

" My God, you're Thorin."

"In the flesh" He steps closer and I take a step back. " What you running from? You've got no where to go, and if you hide I will find you." The situation suddenly seems to become dangerously real as I step back into the truck of a tree and find myself frozen with fear.

" Please just leave me alone." Something flashes in his eyes before he walks closer.

"Where's the fun in that? I need something that you have, and I've got something that you want. Plus, how can I drive you insane if I'm not around. You might try to push away, but I will always be in this pretty little head of yours." He taps my head harshly and pushes my chin up." And if you try to run from me or go against anything I tell you to, I will personally slit your God damm throat. Clear?" I shake my head as a crystal tear slips down my face.

He pulls away slightly before grabbing my neck and squeezing cutting off my air as he brings my ear toward his lips." Those pretty little red eyes of yours I say are a gift from me, just brings us closer together. So when the time comes for me to reclaim my soul you will hand it over because alike helps alike. If you hesitate for a moment I will destroy everything you ever loved, starting with that beloved sister of yours!" He exclaimed letting go of my throat, and I greedily take in gulps of air.

" And Nate, don't try hiding anything from me, because I always find out." His black eyes stared at me and suddenly I felt dizzy and fell to the ground. Darkness soon washed over me.


"Nate! Nate wake up!" I felt my body being shook. I opened my eyes and felt the static pounding at my temples causing me agony.

"Brooke? What are you doing here?" I question my cousin. I look around to find my whole family standing around my bed. " Scratch that. What are you all doing here?"

My dad is the first to speak up.

" Well everyone came over to discuss what we plan to do about this situation." He seems to pick his words carefully. Mom nods her head. "However we all rushed upstairs when we heard you scream like there was a murderer in the house. It was a shock to all of us when we noticed that you seemed to be choking and bruises mysteriously began forming on your neck." I reach up to feel my neck and feel welts push against my skin. Pain floods through me and I stifle a cry.

Uncle Tim looks at me worried.
"What happened in your dream that it caused that to happen?" Worry and fear slowly crept into his eyes.

" I saw Thorin." I muttered my chest growing tight.

It became so quiet in my room that anyone could hear a pin drop. Fear, uncertainty, and anger, was portrayed on different faces all around the room.

Lorelai was the one to throw her arms around me as I felt the tears in my eyes spill. Am I going crazy? It sure feels like it.

Dad is the first to break the silence.

" We need to stop this immediately. I know how Thorin works and if he can bruise the boy in his dreams without being near him or touching him, then we need to act fast."

" Agreed." Everyone echoed. Lorelai still held me and suddenly I felt like I was six again and remembered how she comforted me when I lost my tooth thinking something was wrong with me. However now I know something is wrong with me.
Uncle Lucius stepped out from the corner of the wall he was tensely leaning up against, opening his mouth to speak.

"I might have somewhat of a solution to our problem. You see there are a couple of people I know, that owe me a favor. I think I'll contact them, after all they know a few things about getting rid of demons."

Now things are starting to get toasty. Hint: the gang is back in town. If you read the first book then you know who I'm talking about. Stay tuned until next week.
What was the worst dream you ever had?

Challenge 25 reads 3 votes by next week. Go!

Stay Cool!!

Hiccup Out!!

I Will Find You (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora