Chapter 7

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"What do you want?"

I start to get my money out, looking at Weylyn's very disgusted face, "I can't eat here"

"Why not?"

"It smells like fat, and I'd rather not get food poisoning"

"Weylyn shut up, it tastes good trust me"

"No thanks, I'll just get some water"

Yup, he's defiantly a Blakesley.


I go sit at an open booth, and wait for him to come back with his bottle of water.

Weird guy.

My phone died a couple minutes back so mum will be going crazy by now.

Weylyn sat opposite me, he had pretty long legs because of his height so a small booth was a bad idea, but he didn't seem to mind.

"So what's so bad about this place?"

"It's just not really my thing"

"Oh I'm sorry and what is your thing?"

"Food that won't shorten your life span"

God he was stuck up.

"Whatever, Mr I'm too rich to eat junk food"

He looked up an unamused smirk played on his lips.

"So why have you only just joined college?"

"Why is that any of your business?"

Rude, much.

"It's not, I was just curious" I started to fiddle around with my food in front of me, the awkward silence in the air becoming thicker by the second.

"Did your parents ever teach you not to play with your food?" His eyes were of the judgmental look, he had that look that could make you feel like the smallest piece of dirt on earth, but sadly for him, I don't take crap that easily.

If this was Ava or Thea they'd be starting to get hurt by now, but the more he talked, the more pissed I got.

"Did your parents ever teach you to not be a dick? Oh crap I'm sorry, I meant the boarding school?"

His eyes squinted more, either in anger or shock, but he quickly let them regain their full brown shape, before a small chuckle came from his lips.

"I'm surprised you know what a school is, never mind a boarding school"

Well that was enough crap for one night. If I didn't leave now I was going to punch him.

"Well I personally don't have to put up with your shit, so I'll catch you whenever" I stood up quite quickly nearly loosing my balance, and ruining my whole big bad act. I lifted up my pizza and chips box, before making a swift exit out of the take away.

Letting the cold air hit my face as the door shut rather loudly behind me, I carried on down the dimly lit street.

Joel was right.
He's a douche, a class A douche.

He is actually a prime example to why wealthy people get bad names, and thanks to Weylyn Blakesley, I think there even more snobby, rude and obnoxious, than I did before.


I got home about fifteen minutes after leaving Weylyn, he hadn't tried to follow me or stop me, which I was incredibly happy about.

How can he go from being all protective and nice, to an complete and utter knob.

I quietly snuck upstairs, got ready for bed, before collapsing. My phone was charged by now, seeing as the screen was flashing on and off, from the sudden burst of notifications.

'What time are you home sweetie?'

'Where did you get off to?'


'Charlieee where atre uyo?!,!'

'Going bed, doors unlocked'

'You went home with my brother apparently? Tell him to make sure he's not late tomorrow, he'll know what for'

Well I'm getting crucified by mum tomorrow for sure, I hope someone is looking after Thea and Weylyn isn't getting his message, so will probably be late.

I quickly reply to them all before my eyes gently shut, and I let sleep over take me.


"So what you just left him?" Jen and the rest of the girls all stared, lips all slightly open and heads slanted, as if I'd just been found for murder.

"Well yeah, what else was I meant to do, put up with his crap?"

"Who's crap?" Joel had just sauntered into the social area, and planted himself on the sofa next to me. While the rest of the guys followed, Rudi obviously leaping into Jens arms, trying not to hit Ava in the process, whilst Kai and Randall sat on the sofa opposite with Thea and Jord.

I decided to not let it known that I left Weylyn alone at a takeaway in anger last Friday, so I kept my mouth shut.

All the guys eyes fell on me, as they anticipated my answer, I don't know why I didn't just tell them. I couldn't deal with the grief truthfully, maybe they'd be mad that left him, or confused that I went out with him. It's not like it was a date anyways.

"Weylyn, she didn't want to put up with Weylyn's crap" Jord says for me, with  a small smile on her face, which I will thank her for later.

"Oh fuck what did our brother do now" Rudi and Randall say nearly synchronised.

"Guys you need to quit that, it's just creepy" Ava looks between them in worry, just as they both do with each other.

"Nothing really, he was just being a posh prick, so I might have bit back a little and then left quite quickly"

"Well I'm glad you actually stuck up for yourself, I'll happily admit he can be an utter ass sometimes" Randall smirks towards me, which I'm more than relieved about, I didn't want to piss him of as well.

One Blake was more than enough.

"Who's an ass?"

Oh for fucks sake.
I know that voice.
God help me.

I turn to where the familiar voice had come from, and I was obviously greeted with two brown eyes, a mop of hair and an annoyed frown.

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