Chapter 9

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"So you can hold your liquor"  he raises his eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. The first sign of emotion I'd ever seen, and it would be a lie to say it wasn't attractive.

"Seems so"

"Well, let's play a game then"

"What kind of game?"

"Like twenty one questions, but every time you don't want to answer a question you take a swig"

There's not many things I won't be honest about, I've played this game hundreds of times with the guys.

"Okay sure, whatever" Weylyn smirks at my answer, my stomach doing a tiny summersault.


"Are you a virgin?" As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt the back of my throat go dry, I nearly choked on the air I had just breathed in.

"Wow, straight in there aye" I raised my eyebrow at him, while he just shrugged his shoulders and waited for my answer.

There is no way in hell, I'm telling a guy I've known for less than a month whether I'd had sex or not.

I grabbed the bottle, lifting it slowly to my lips never letting my eyes leave his, a sudden rough growl came from his throat, which I just returned with a smirk.

"Why have you just joined college?"

"I had family stuff to sort out, in another part of England" he didn't go into great detail, but gave me a fair answer.

The questions went back and forth, he didn't take any of the whisky, while I had about two more swigs, as he hadn't stopped with the sexual related questions.

I started to learn more and more about Weylyn, and as the game went on, I felt more intrigued about him.

I'd never felt like this with a guy, and I didn't want too. I don't even know what was wrong with me, I'd never been the girl to fall for someone so easily, but Weylyn Blakesley held my attention. I don't know if it was because of his rude, cocky personality, or the fact he was ridiculously good to look at, either way I hated it.

"I don't know I like True Blood, American Horror Story and stuff like that" he just asked me what TV I liked, but I doubt he knew what they were, he didn't seem the type to watch much TV.

"What are they about?"

"They're about like Vampires, Werewolves, fictional shit" his lips tugged upwards, before he let out a small deep laugh.

I'd ran out of questions I didn't know what to ask, so I just thought of something I'd been slightly curious about, "how many girls have you slept with?"

"Why have you assumed I've slept with anyone?" His eyebrows scrunch up, almost confused of my question.

"Well no offence I couldn't see you being a virgin"

He leans forward casually, sliding the whisky across towards him before taking a rather large sip, still looking straight at me, as I did with him before, but licking his lips afterwards.

"Last question, so you better make it a good one" I smile at him waiting for the last thing I have to reveal for tonight.

He sits there for quite a bit, not loosing his eye contact with me, just as I thought he'd given up with thinking, his mouth opens slightly, his whole facial expressions going back to serious.

"Do you believe Werewolves could actually be real?"

My eyes narrow at his ridiculous question, before I shake me head no, "of course not"

Weylyn carries on staring at me, his eyes are still of their natural dark brown, he starts to tap his index finger on the table. I begin to feel uncomfortable, my body sends a cold shiver down my spine as he keeps tapping, the air becomes thicker by the second. I shuffle a bit in my chair before excusing myself and joining the others back in the living room.

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