Chapter 14

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Weylyn's POV

It didn't take long for my other side to come out. What was my five star bedroom, had now turned into a bombshell wreckage, and I didn't expect anything less.

I couldn't control him.
I was pissed at Charlie.
And he was pissed at Joel.

So I let him free.

The bed sheets had been torn, the mirror on the wall smashed by my now bloodied fists, which were slowly healing. The lamp shade was across from its original place on the bed side cabinet, and one wall had three large holes.

I went to the bathroom to wash my healed knuckles, looking up at my reflection I looked a state.

My hair had looked like I woke up, I had a bit of blood on my cheek, I'm guessing where shards of glass had hit me, and my eyes had officially turned to black pools of anger.

I could smell Nathan and Alex heading across the landing towards my room. All our rooms were close together, and I still didn't know whether I preferred to hear Joel and Charlie's conversations.

The knock at the door took me out of my trance, I closed my eyes concentrating on refilling their natural brown, which they thankfully did when I opened them.

I hesitated opening the door and letting my two best mates see the construction I had made, but another knock came threw, and if they hadn't realised before, they defiantly knew now.

I opened the door and stood to the side, welcoming them both in.

"How long Weylyn?" Nathan walked straight over to the other side of room standing his ground. He was pissed off, not only smelling it when I opened the door, I could tell.

However, Alex jumped onto what was left off my bed, grinning like a clown.

"How long what?" I tried to play dumb, but I knew he knew, and he defiantly knew I knew what he was talking about.

"Don't play games Weylyn, how long?"

"Since the first time I lay my eyes on her"

"What, so like three weeks back in the Coffee shop?"

"No, I met her the day before that. But it was confirmed at the Coffee shop"

"What do you mean confirmed?"

"She bumped into me, and then I knew"

"Why the fuck did we have to figure it out for ourselves? Huh. Weylyn you're meant to be my best mate, and you didn't even tell me you found yours" Nathan's voice had risen. Causing my other side to growl, he wanted the respect he knew he should have.

But I was in control and I knew Nathan had a right to be angry, we told each other everything.

"Alright I should of told you, but I didn't want it to be true alright, I didn't want to fucking confirm it"

"Why?" Nathan and Alex now both looked at me with the same expression of confusion. It was understandable.

We were meant to be happy about our chosen mate, tell everyone so no one would go near them, show them off as if they were our most prized possession.

"She's human"

Nathan's face fell from it's wonder to complete disbelief, "you can be a prick sometimes you know that right?" I don't know if he was testing my control, but soon I was going to lose, "it doesn't matter whether she's human or not. Weylyn you chose her, she's your mate for gods sake"

"It fucking does matter Nath" I started to raise my voice now, letting out what I'd been holding in for so many weeks, "because its different with me, and you know that"

He knew what my family were like.
He knew what expectations I had to fulfil.
He knew the kind of mate I needed.

Nathan let out a small sigh in defeat, and thankfully changed the heated topic.

"What did it feel like?" I hated answering questions like I was in some sort of interrogation, but I knew Nath. I knew why he cared so much, out of us three he'd always been the one ready to have a mate. Ever since we were kids, he'd try to imagine what she'd look like, or how they'd meet. As for me and Alex, we never really thought twice about it.

"I don't know, you can just tell, it's a foreign sensation"

"Well, what else happens?"

"Your sense of smell gets overtaken when they'er around, touching feels like it's bonding you closer together, and you have to have extra control over your other side"

"When you touch does it feel like electricity? You know... like everyone says"

"Sort of"

"Ah alright" Nathan eventually puts his head down, I can feel his envy, but if I could swap places with him, I would.

"So what are you going to do about the situation. You both remember how hard it was telling me about you two, think about how Charlie's going to react" Alex sat up fully from the bed, looking between me and Nathan.

We all remember that night, it was only a couple weeks after my eighteenth. I hadn't quite learnt how to control it just yet, and got myself into a pack argument. Sadly for Alex, he still had no clue that our species existed after all these years of being mates with me and Nathan. So he thought he was sticking up for me against someone he could take. He punched the guy that was about to fight me, not releasing what he'd actually done, until the guy started shifting and attacked him. Once Ralph and I got him off Alex, as Nathan hasn't changed yet, he lost too much blood, and it was either to let him die or turn him.
Ralph said he wasn't going to do it, so I was the only option, I got a lot of shit off my dad afterwards for it, but Alex was still alive so that's all that mattered to me.

"It's different though, you were getting turned, she isn't"

"You're not going to mark her then?"

"No. I can't except her as my mate"

"So what are you going to do? Live your life not being able to ever be with anyone again, not letting your other side have its mate"

"When do you ever see one of us with one of them?"

"Well never but-"

"Exactly, she is human. We can't be with humans, and I defiantly can't be"

"Weylyn all you have to do is turn her, and then you can live happily ever after" Alex had a smirk on his face, that I'd happily like to swipe right off.

"What if she doesn't want to be changed? I'm not going to forcefully do that to her"

"I think you're starting to care"

"I'm not. Whatever care is there, it's not from me. It's from my other side. She's not even that pretty. She's not trained. She's not got money. She's not suitable" I could hear my other side growling at me for slagging off our mate.

"Well whatever you say Weylyn, but I know for a fact even you can't fight this" Nathan walks past me towards the door, giving me a slight pat on my back as he's about to leave.

"I can"

"No you can't, and I'm going to prove you wrong. I know deep down it's not only your other side that likes her, you do. But you're too blinded by this stereotypical, perfect mate you have created in your head, you won't give her a chance. Who cares if she's not like us. Who cares if she's not rich. Who cares if she's not trained. Weylyn you'll eventually crack, and I'll be right there to say I told you so" Nathan gave me one last smile, before slamming the door shut.

Alex started laughing as he jumped up from the bed, heading out after Nath, "well he told you"
he opened the door ready to leave, "oh and by the way, Nathan's right Weylyn. She's your mate. Stop being so stuck up" he quickly left before I could reply.

I collapsed onto my bed, thinking over everything.

She's beautiful.
She's alright.

She's tough, fiery, and witty.
She's annoying and disobedient.

She'd be a perfect mate.
She's human.

Nathan's right you know. You can deny it all you want, you'll love her eventually.
That's what I'm worried about.

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