Chapter Seven

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Romans pov

When I found dolph was hitting on my girl but not yet, I was so mad. I walked up to dolph and slapped him and beat him. If Sasha were watching me, I would feel embarrassed.

A few hours later, my beautiful girl walked up to me and said roman just listen and don't talk. I listened to her beautiful voice and thought "she's mine and mine only everybody don't touch her ever"  I listened to her poems  and I teared up a little and quickly wiped my tears from my eyes. When she was done. She finally said this to me roman I like you a lot and more than a friend. I felt so happy to call her mine.
I finally said I like you a lot too Sasha.

I said to Sasha, will you be my beautiful girlfriend and she blushed and I thought aww her blush is adorable. She said yes roman I love to be your girl. I laughed and I crashed her into my chest for a hug and we kissed .

I thought again Yes she's finally mine and I'm gonna try to protect her always.
And we kissed again more passionately than the our last kiss. I said I love you Sasha and she I love you too roman-bear. I laughed at her cute little nickname for me

Be yourself



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