Chapter 8

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Sasha pov

A few months later, roman and I were going strong.  A week ago roman started to act weird around me. I don't know why roman is acting this way so yeah but I'm good

A few days later I heard roman saying somebody's name in moans. The girl was saying roman!! It feels so good roman!!!. I think he's cheating on me with a girl.

Finally I walked up the stairs and walked to the room, saw roman and some girl having sex . I teared up and watch my boyfriend and some other girl having sex. Finally I said something. Wtf roman you're freaking cheating on me with an other girl and I can't believe that you are doing this to me. Roman got wide eyed and tried to say something. But I cut him off Roman we're freaking done and get out of my house, don't touch me again.
He said baby!! Please don't break up with me. I pushed roman and his little girl out of my house.  I started to cry.  I texted my friends about it. Boi they're really pissed at roman and his little girl. They texted me Wtf roman cheated on you. I nodded yes and texted them back yup I'm done with him.

A few days later I got a text from someone who knows me.



The new girl and the baddest boy 🖤🖤🖤Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum