Chapter 22

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A/N this chapter is a group chat with Sasha and Roman, Brie and Carmella

😈🙄Roman: hey ladies

❤️💜Sasha:😂😂Haha roman you're so funny

😘💕Brie: yup!!

💙🖤Carmella: eww Roman

😈🙄Roman: :(

❤️💜Sasha: I told you roman we hate you

😘💕Brie: right Sasha

💙🖤Carmella: so true girls, girl power!!

😈🙄Roman: anyways, I'm leaving this group chat

💜❤️Sasha yes!! I meant no we all will miss you actually we won't miss you roman, right ladies

😘💕Brie: right gurl

💙🖤Carmella: true!!

Stay rad


The new girl and the baddest boy 🖤🖤🖤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang