Chapter 19

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A few days later I got a text message from roman god i hate him so much

A/N the eye roll and the devil emojis means roman and the hearts means Sasha

🙄😈Roman : hey Sasha do you remember me??

❤️💜Sasha : no I don't I'm sorry

🙄😈Roman: cmon Sasha we used to go to school together and we dated in high school

❤️💜Sasha: Dude I don't know you and wait a minute, you're the jerk who broke my heart and cheated on me😡😑

🙄😈Roman : yup!! I'm sorry Sasha for breaking your heart 💔💔

❤️💜Sasha : no you don't and do you know that I am married to dean you know your buddy huh Roman ??

🙄😈Roman: sadly I do know 💔😭

❤️💜Sasha : too bad Roman and bye jerk..

🙄😈Roman: wait..I still love you Sasha

❤️💜Sasha : wait what you still love me??

😈🙄Roman : yup I do!!

💜❤️Sasha : I still love you as a friend though

A/N I'm not updating a lot I'm truly sorry for not updating but I have my finals next week ugh😡🙄


Stay true to yourselves bye


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