Chapter 27

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Sasha's POV
During Roman was standing at my door and dean opened it thank god, then I was walking down the stairs to dean and I saw Roman standing in the way of my front door I swear to god I was going to punch him in the face . I started to shake I was having a little panic attack and dean first saw me shaking and crying a little and he brought me in a hug, immediately I felt safe in his arms and finally finished shaking and crying. Then I rushed to my bedroom and looked my door and started crying again loudly after a few minutes of crying loudly and I started to walk into my bathroom and looked at myself in my mirror. I thought negative things about myself I'm ugly , worthless, not good enough, fat, a loser and a freak. I actually started to scream and dean and Roman heard me screaming. Dean kicked my door open and found me shaking hard and brought me into a another big hug and Roman was just standing there like a idiot and finally saw me shaking hard and crying. Roman saw me to talking softly in deans ear and dean had his eyes wide and said this Sasha listen to me okay? You are not fat, ugly, not good enough, worthless, a loser and a freak.  Roman's eyes were wide and felt like a idiot for breaking my heart. Then dean kissed my forehead softly and immediately I started to sleep in his arms again

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