Chapter 2 - Bad day

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~~~ Akane talks to Mio

Akane had noticed Mio coming in shortly after they did and headed back down, "Hey Mio, got a moment? I hope Frankie wasn't too rough yesterday." She knew Daisuke was nearby and he would hear, "Somethings Frankie approaches things as an American would."

Mio blushed slightly, "No, she was very polite about it. She said since I had a mate that we couldn't spend that sort of time together and she understood."

She couldn't help but stare, "I heard about the growl from Daisuke when she finished talking to you. It's more than that girl. Won't push but I'm going to get one or the other of you to tell me what she said. Later, I can feel him growling." She gave her a wave and almost laughed when Daisuke growled again, she knew what he was even if Frankie didn't.

Daisuke growled again. It was silly since he trusted what she had to say about not seeing Mio. It was how she'd done it which had him growling at her. Honestly, he wanted to go and bite her but that could cause problems.

Akane noticed Kami nearby and the other woman was snickering. It received a growl from Kami since the other was laughing at her, "Deal with you later. You and then Frankie. Not happy." As she stomped out of the area, the laughter from Daisuke really irritated her.

~~~ Frankie tries to deal with thepunks

When the hulk stared at one person, they quickly moved desks and he settled down in one behind her. She mentally muttered at Kami for abandoning her. This wasn't what she needed at all, *Damn you, traitorous woman!* She sent and received an amused feeling back. That made it even worse.

*Shoot me now! If you tell me by kicking his ass he is looking to me as... Dad is really going to kill me. Glad I have a younger brother to take over.* Class was called to order and they started. For Frankie, it was hard since she could feel the brute's attention behind her. Anytime anyone other than Kami seemed to say anything to her, she could feel him glower and they would run. Someone might die by the end of the day. She might not have an option about who she might drag to bed, but she didn't need some male trying to protect her, someone is going to die sooner than later. I might need to call mom and have a talk with her.

Akane was giving her amused looks as was Kami until lunch rolled around. When class was dismissed she stood, "I'm going to eat on the roof. If anyone bothers me I might toss them over the side of the school." She grabbed her oversized obento and stomped out of the room. She knew he was going to follow as was the others. She was starting to really stew. Some stupid confrontation and she collected four supposed protectors. When she reached the roof, she walked to the furthest point and settled down to eat. She was glaring at the door when Kami, Akane, and the others came out.

She was glaring and no matter how much she tried her Alpha powers were starting to show, "Get over here and sit down. I'm not asking. You will do it or else." Nobody was going to try and control her or tell her what to do. She didn't realize how much her irritation impacted on the others. They all came over and knelt in front of her. When they did she growled, "Akane, Kami come and sit." She pointed at either side of her.

"You males, what the fucking hell are you doing? I don't need guards, escorts, or whatever else." She looked at the girl, "You, don't remember your name, or haven't heard it. You don't need to see anyone if you don't want. I want answers." Definite growl as she was talking.

Kami looked at her and started snickering, *Hate to say it but you are starting a pack. Doesn't matter what your father might say but...* She was obviously starting to laugh at her even over the links.

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