Chapter 20 - Sinchow's father

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~~~ Sports day Preparation

Frankie glared at the class representative since she was talking about the soon to be sports day. Thankfully she wasn't glancing in their direction or Frankie would probably be growling. It was bad enough others were looking at her occasionally, but the class rep would have been far more annoying. Her wolf wanted to participate but it just wouldn't work out. Much like Kami'd said they would have to come in first. They just couldn't do otherwise. It would be insulting to her and her wolf.

Kami glanced at Frankie and could feel her wolf wanting to play. Her wolf wanted to as well, but they understood. If it was a wolf only sports day they could but with human's? It simply wasn't going to happen. Thankfully Haruke and the others had offered to play. It would give their wolves something to cheer about.

Haruke gave Frankie a grin, *Lady Frankie, I'll do my best to make you proud. Haven't done sports day before so it's going to be interesting.* He knew he was in far better shape than he'd ever been in before. Between working out and the training Master Eiji had been giving he'd trimmed down but added muscle. It would be an interesting day next week.

*Thank you for offering Haruke. Just remember this is for fun and not some sort of dominance thing. No pulping anyone just because.* She knew he wouldn't but even now some of their habits came back. Thankfully most of it was running which would reduce the chance they'd do something silly.

Haruke didn't think before he reached forward and lightly touched her back before relaxing back in his chair, *Nope, not going to do anything to upset you. My lady and leader.* He had to smile at the class rep since she was looking at them.

The others in her team connected to her and let her know they were doing much the same. Even the girls were participating. They were in better shape as well. They'd learned Frankie had firm beliefs about learning to protect themselves. It had been hard at first, but they'd slowly grown to accept the exercise and defense training.

*So going to grumble at you Lady Frankie. Better shape but still not an exercise fantatic. Definitely going to grumble at you later.* Alto sent to her. They were doing it so Frankie knew they were trying to do their best. What they might do for Frankie none of the girls knew yet, but they would figure it out.

~~~ Haruke's father

Even as Sinchow's father had been watching the group Haruke's father had as well. He'd been hiding in the shadows and watching. It looked like his son was well protected, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He was going to get the brat back and get at least one more support check for him. It would give him a bit of money to tide him over.

Hopefully he would be able to catch him alone at some point. It might end up being on the weekend, but he was going to do it. With a snarl he moved back into the alley to keep from being seen. That female was going to get it as well. She'd been laughing at him as his son trounced him. She was going to be hurting when he was done with her.

He ensured he was there each morning and afternoon when school started. Each day all of them were guarded by some very tough looking people. Not all were male, but all had a sense of danger about them. When he wasn't watching he was debating on how to deal with it. It took several days before he realized all he really needed to do was to tell everyone he was going to deal with his son.

Wednesday, he finally gathered the courage to face them down. He marched up and glared at the guards, "I'm going to talk to my son. Don't get involved." They wouldn't since this was a family issue and they would understand, "Get over here boy. We're going to deal with this now. You are going to come back to the place I have." He still had the broken nose from the other day.

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