Chapter 9 - Haruke needs help

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~~~ Weekend relaxation

Since the Cultural festival had been at the end of the week she decided to talk to her team, she'd realized it by now, about other aspects of being wolf, "Okay, listen up and well. Many supernatural tend towards casual nudity because clothing doesn't change when we do. Think of when I lost my towel at the springs or when I stripped to change and let you see my wolf. From a tiny pup, you get used to taking clothing off before changing. It carries over to things like swimming, soaking in pools, and such. I'm not going to wear a swimsuit just for some human version of modesty. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't. I'm simply warning you that you will be seeing people who aren't clothed. I haven't introduced you to this but I'm not going to avoid the pools and hot springs just because. Any questions?" When she looked around everyone except Kami were blushing and looking away from her.

"This is going to be hard for all of us. Nudity in public baths is one thing but for the most part we cover up our groins." Disuke tried to keep it clean when he said that.

Kami nodded, "I do understand since I've grown up here. Keep in mind Frankie is from the states and they have different nudity standards. Being I'm a wolf I'm far more comfortable with complete nudity than most Japanese. This is normal for us. As she said, it is normal for who we are. If you wish to keep doing what you grew up with do so. If you want some swim trunks then go, change, and we'll meet you outside."

Frankie grinned, "I'll meet you there. I need to talk to the Alpha for a few minutes." She left the house and started feeling rather pensive. She wouldn't mind spending time with Alto, Serika, and Haruke. Since she'd arrived she'd dallied with a few of the he wolves but Haruke did interest her and it wasn't time for her heat. That wouldn't start for several months since she'd finished her most recent one.

When she walked into the pack house she slowly walked towards his office and knocked, "Alpha do you have a few minutes? I'm needing to talk to you about several things." It wasn't just her interest in Haruke but what she needed to do about the team she was forming. Heaven help her if she added any more to the group.

"Come in Francesca." Since she was sounding somewhat formal he used her full name and knew she'd understand.

She walked into the office and closed the door. She settled down in a chair across from his desk, "Thank you for seeing me Alpha. I'm confused and unsure of some things. I thought I should talk to you first before mom or dad. I've figured out I'm forming a team but there are other issues. Everyone here is obviously Japanese and would have to get permission to come to the U.S. I'm also being drawn to several of them as well. Not as a mate but to spend time with them in bed. I'm not sure what to do Alpha."

He watched her sit down before he said anything. She needed to talk and was pleased she'd come to him before he'd called for her. Once she'd finished talking he considered what she was saying, "They would have to get passports and some reason to remain in the U.S. Either that or you'd need to remain here which isn't possible since you are the Alpha Heir. You'd need to start a new pack which would be problematic here. We don't have a massive amount of room for a new pack. It's one of the reasons many have moved to the U.S., we simply don't have the room for all the supernatural and still keep our secrets."

He took a sip of his tea and considered her other issue, "I did order you to not play with any human males since the chances of getting pregnant is higher than with a wolf. It is still rare but can happen. Since they are becoming your team the restrictions are somewhat different. You will need to talk to your father about spending time with any of the guys. The girls aren't a problem. Being they are becoming your team having a relationship falls in the gray area of what I can tell you what to do. At this point all I can say is ensure nobody is hurt. Did you discuss wolf relationships with them?"

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