Chapter 22 - The Recovery

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~~~ Alpha Lohan

As he was looking in the window he was trying to process what he was seeing. After shaking his head, he turned and looked at Nozuma, "What happened?" Frankie and her team were all in the same room and appeared to be unconscious. All were hooked up to monitors and in the center of the room was Frankie and who he believed to be Haruke. Frankie was half on the young man's chest as he was laying on his back.

Nozuma was looking in the room even as Wilson was, "You were introduced to a girl named Sinchow I believe. Her father was playing with some very dark magic. The necklace Frankie removed was an evil spirit which was feeding on Sinchow's emotions. Her father wasn't impressed with what Frankie did and came to the Kendo meet to take Sinchow back. Frankie was instrumental in his death. What hadn't been expected was for all his spells to breakdown and react with each other. There was a massive explosion which killed a number and flattened those who survived. From what our healers and the Kitsune healers indicated their energy was severely depleted. Haruke moved between Frankie and a spell tossed at her. He was on the edge of death when Frankie bit him. We don't know if he'll survive even with the virus flowing through his body. We simply don't know since we aren't sure about the spell which was used."

As they were talking one of the nurses walked into the room. She checked on all of them before gently moving Frankie off Haruke's chest. When she was moved a black and blue streak across his chest and tapering off to one side could be seen. When she moved Frankie off his chest his vitals started to get erratic. As soon as she was done checking she moved Frankie back on his chest. Moments later his vitals stabilized though they were still low.

Wilson watched the entire process before frowning at the results of Frankie being moved. When the mark was visible he was forced to wince. Whatever had hit him looked like it barely missed where his heart would be. When she was moved back so she was partially back on his chest and the young man's vitals stabilized he glanced at Nozuma, "What just happened? I know he's part of her team but to need her touch..." He realized what he was saying and shook his head, "Never mind. I don't want to deal with it right now. Don't mention this to my mate. I'll deal with it when they wake."

Nozuma shrugged, "Not sure. It's like a connection was created between the two. Every time she's moved to check on Haruke, his vitals get erratic. We almost lost him until we figured it out. He needs the touch of his team leader and future Luna. Beyond that we simply don't know what's going to happen. The Kitsunes aren't sure when they'll wake. They said it looks like the entire team is feeding him energy which is why they are all unconscious. Many of the others who were knocked out have started to wake. They are still badly exhausted but waking."

Wilson pressed a hand against the window. He was almost temped to ask to go in but had a feeling they wouldn't let him, "I'm going to head to my suite and try to get ready for the pyres. Once over I'm going to try to get some sleep. Ensure if anything changes I'm notified." He was going to need to call his mate and talk to her. He wasn't sure exactly what he was going to say but she needed to know what was going on.

"While you are here Hibiki is going to take care of you. I'll ensure he keeps you informed. I know between this and the pyres you are going have a stressful evening. Try and sleep well Wilson." He watched the two head out of medical. With a sigh he left medical as well and headed towards his suite to get ready. He knew Wilson was planning on leaving in two days, so his mate could come over. Hopefully by then they'd know more about what was happening with Frankie and Haruke.

~~~ Next Morning

It hadn't been a good night for Wilson. He'd talked to his mate about what he'd found out so far. He told her some things he couldn't talk about yet since they didn't know everything. It was something along the lines of 'they're still doing tests'. Thankfully she'd accepted it though she wasn't happy about it. After he'd hung up with Bea he'd tried to sleep but had ended up tossing and turning.

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