Chapter 24 - The dance

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~~~ The dance

When they walked into the dance hall many of the other students paused and looked at them. Frankie knew they looked good since they'd done their best. Much of the focus had been on Maiko and Haruke since they'd seemed to be drawn to each other. Her hair had been carefully styled and the makeup was just enough to show her beauty. To the team, It was obvious Haruke was taken with her.

The rest of them were looking good but there was a glow to Maiko and Haruke which drew the eyes. Frankie hoped when she'd found her mate they'd look that good. By now she was sure the two were going to be mates and good for them. She might miss spending time with Haruke, but she understood what it meant to be mates. She'd seen a number over the years and it was obvious to her even if it wasn't to them. She was going to need to talk to her father and Maiko's family.

They slowly walked into the gym which was where the dance was being held. Since Haruke and Maiko were almost glued together, she had Disuke on her arm and she knew they looked good. It wasn't just the dresses but the pack necklace's and earrings. They had other jewelry on also. Between the dresses, jewelry, and grooming they looked better than the others for the most part.

Sinchow was still tired but she'd come and had Gaku helping her. Her dress was black with small sparkles scattered around it. Her hair had been worked into a French braid and as with the other women had just a touch of makeup. She had to blush at the looks they were getting. Everyone looked good in their group as well as the other students.

Once they reached the others they all gave Frankie and the team some bows as the music started up again. They moved into the center of the floor and started dancing. Frankie had a feeling this was going to be a good evening. She turned to Disuke and gave him a good smile as she was pulled close and they started dancing.

The others found partners to dance with. Since several of the team had started forming relationships there were several females who didn't have a team member to dance with. Alto and Serika decided to dance together and were looking good. Chou was with Gaku and Sinchow. Kazuma was with Ichiro and they were looking good.

Frankie was expecting several matings from the connections being made. It was obvious Haruke and Maiko were going to be an item. The same was with Gaku and Sinchow not to mention Kazuma and Ichiro. If they mated her father couldn't really say much. It was to be expected for the mates to come with to the pack the team member was part of.

So far Frankie hadn't felt the draw to anyone, human or lycan, as a mate. Eventually she would but for now she was going to enjoy relaxing with those team members left who weren't attached, "Thank you for the dance Disuke. It was very enjoyable. Now, I'm going to move to someone else and let some of the fan girls claim you." She gave him a peck before moving to the guy who pulled off the girl act so well, "Good evening. Smashing dress you are wearing." She pulled him close and started dancing with him.

Kami had to grin as Frankie started dancing with him. He did look good in the dress, but it was wrong to see Frankie dancing with him, "Frankie, so wrong. Dancing with him is just so wrong. He's cute but..." She snickered as both gave her a grumpy look.

"Hey, she's sexy and even though I prefer female clothing I'd love to spend time with her. I prefer to relax with females since they tend to be gentler than men." He gave her a good kiss before moving to a different section of the floor.

Kami laughed as Frankie blushed, "Oh my, I'll have to remember this. Might talk you into bed eventually." She wrinkled her nose at him before her current partner also drew her to a different part of the floor.

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