Chapter 6 - One less house in the world

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~~~ Talking to her father

Frankie wasn't looking forward to the next week. It wasn't just all the fun of Kendo, studying, and even training. She had to figure out the time needed to talk to the parents of those she was drawing to her. The women she wasn't as worried about but the men? One was an orphan and wouldn't be a problem. With a nice donation they probably wouldn't care. The others? Two families didn't give a shit but Haruke? His father was a bastard from what she could tell. The only reason Haruke was forced to remain at home was to keep track of what was going on and get a bit of support for him. It was going to be hard not to just kill him and remove the body. It could be done but she really didn't want to.

Once they were at the pack she, and the others, had been shown to a large house. Since it was a Sunday and all the families knew they would be gone Frankie wasn't worried, "Okay, girls in their rooms, guys in theirs and no intruding, no oopses, or anything else. If there are I'll deal with who ever does that." She glowered at them before several of the junior wolves showed them where to go.

Even with the nap she was tired and once dinner was done she did what was need for her homework and after calling her father was going to asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Training, school, Kendo, and then talking to one or two parents. It was going to be hard not to demand they just come to the house. Even worse she needed to talk to her father. Even with her mother being the Luna this was something for her father to deal with. It didn't help that it was going too early for him.

When he answered Frankie submitted, "Good morning father. I need to talk to you about this weekend. I ended up having some problems. Please let me speak before you say anything. I need some advice and not sure what to do." She wasn't begging him to be patient, but she was being sincere, and it was obvious she meant what she'd said.

He looked at her and gave her a good nod. The Alpha had contacted him, but he was going to let his daughter speak, "What do you need Francesca? How can I help you?" He wasn't happy with what had happened, but it was related to the actions of the woman and not his child.

She sighed, "I was forced to show who I am to those who have started to follow me. The old woman was going to wipe their memories and I couldn't let her do that. It is my decision on how to deal with what they saw. She, the old woman, came into a reserved hot spring in her mid-form. She should have known better and why she did I'm not sure. I need to talk to the Clan Leader about it and find out. Since they now know, I'm going to see about them moving to the pack property, so I don't have to travel so much. I know this is going to cause you problems father, but I couldn't do otherwise. If I'd done differently I wouldn't be worth the title of Alpha Heir." She didn't think when she bowed to him.

He considered what to say and finally spoke, "I'll talk to the Alpha and the Clan Leader about this. For the moment I don't see how you could be considered at fault. Do that and if needed contact me about any problems you have. As you know some humans know about us. It happens and if someone's memory does need to be erased don't hesitate and have the healer do it." He leaned forward, "Frankie, don't doubt yourself. I know at your age you probably will, but know this, I'm proud of you. You are our daughter and we are proud of you and your actions. You might give us headaches at times but that's to be expected. Love you and do us proud." He gave her a pleased smile.

Frankie listened to what he was saying, and it was expected. When he told her he and her mother were proud of her she flushed, "Thank you Dad. I just couldn't let some woman step in and try to deal with them. It's my job since they decided to follow me." She gave him a good look before finally hanging up.

The girls didn't need to come here nearly as much as the guys. They needed to get away from their families and get some real love and affection. She finally stood and walked over to the bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day since she was going to start talking to the families. What was worst was she kept thinking about talking to the girl's families first. Dealing with the guy's families was going to be a pain in her ass. Mostly it was Haruke's father. She was going to need to think about it.

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