Chapter 4 - Invite to a hot springs

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~~~ Hot springs

Frankie was relaxing in her rooms when Akane called. She grabbed her phone, "Heyo you lovely woman. Calling to confess to me?" She couldn't resist the teasing since she knew Akane didn't go that way.

"Oh my yes, One of your hunks is seriously sexy and I want to draw him to bed. Can you help me?" She returned the teasing. In the background she could hear Kami laughing her ass off as well as a thud. Akane knew Frankie had knocked her off the bed though it didn't stop the laughter, "Seriously though, I do have a reason for calling. I'd like to invite you, Kami, and your coterie to some hot springs this weekend. It's owned and run by my family. I'm leaving in the afternoon and will be back the following evening. Massages, hot springs, games, all that good stuff. They obviously know what we are and there are springs just for us."

Kami was laughing when Frankie kicked her off the bed. She wasn't bothered since it had only been enough to knock her off and nothing else. When she heard what Akane was calling about she choked down the laughter, "Do it Frankie. I know the hot springs she's talking about and it's damn nice." She called out, "We accept and will talk to her harem of guys and girls tomorrow. I could use a good weekend off and relax. The weekend after she has a meet for the Kendo club and could use some relaxation."

Just for good measure Frankie growled at Kami before she finally replied, "Honestly that sounds really good. We have some artificial springs back home which are based on Jacuzzi tubs in a hot house. I could use a good soak and a chance to relax. As Kami said we'll talk to my posse tomorrow and get back with you." Thankfully she'd finally gotten her international license and had access to the vehicles. It had been very frustrating having someone tasked to come and get her later in the evenings due to those eight. It was nice that Kami was helping with the schooling. While she was in the Kendo, Kami was doing some remedial teaching with the four guys.

"Good, can't wait until we go. I'm looking forward to getting away for even a day. No training or anything like that Frankie. Total relaxation and time off. You've been working your tail off to learn our language and schooling. You need this. Having those eight chasing you around down isn't helping. At least the guys are only looking at you as their leader and nothing else. They were normally home by 9pm. I think you have half or more of the guys at school terrified of you and half the girls in love with you. I keep waiting for your shoe locker to explode with all the envelopes."

Frankie groaned, "You have it wrong there, Haruke is interested though he's keeping it under control. I can smell his interest in me. I appreciate it and his struggle to learn a better way to act." She couldn't help but smile slightly, "I had the Luna look into his background and it isn't the best but he's working to improve himself now. I can't tell him that I appreciate his attempt to try and better himself. As far as my locker exploding if that happens I'll scream."

"Why not? Compliments mean a great deal to people and especially ones who are really trying their hardest. Even if it's a simple good job would mean a huge amount coming from you." Kami gave her a good hug before they crawled in for the night.

Frankie would have to think about it and find the right time. There were some tests coming up soon and she'd see how they were doing. At that point she could compliment them and encourage them which would be completely reasonable. She didn't want to just randomly toss compliments out. It would lessen the impact and eventually sound pathetic and gratuitous, "It is something I learned from my father. Compliments need to be done at the right time and not just tossed out. One for a good job on home work is nice but one saying, 'I'm proud of you' is something totally different. Right now just isn't the right time."

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