Chapter 10 - Meeting with the School President

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~~~ Haruke tries to deal with his anger

"Relax son, take some slow deep breathes and center yourself. If needed, I'll help you." He could see just how tense the young man was, "We have time and I'll help you as much as possible." He'd been watching the four and knew they were having some issues. He'd asked for access to their history and had wanted to go and deal with their parents.

"I'm trying but..." His fists start to clench, "I'm just so angry I don't know what to do or how to handle it. What the hell am I supposed to do?" He'd know what to do if he was his old self. He'd go out and beat someone up. Now? Everything was so strange and was confusing him. He wasn't used to having people cooking for him, cleaning the house, and doing his laundry.

"Have you talked to Francesca?" He was pretty sure Haruke hadn't since he'd been forced to depend on himself for a good portion of his life. Everything he'd seen indicated it'd been a hard life even before his mother committed suicide. Her husband had driven her to it.

"I don't want to cause her any further stress. I, we've caused her enough problems." His fists were clenched since the idea of approaching her and ask for help upset him.

"Son, when the eight of you decided to follow her, it made her responsible for all of you. This is a wolf thing which humans have a problem understanding. In a way it is stronger than a normal family relationship. If you don't at least talk to her, she's going to feel like she's failing you. Being the Alpha Heir, this drive is even stronger than in junior wolves. Go and talk to her. Ask for her help, and if needed she'll talk to the Luna for advice. Now try and relax for a few before you go back. No training for you today." He refilled their cups of tea and quietly sipped on his.

Haruke gave the man an evaluating look as he listened to what the trainer had to say. It sounded strange and he wasn't sure about it. It was something he was going to need to think about. He finished the second cup of tea, "Thank you for the advice. I'm going to head back to the house." After quietly standing he left the training center. Before he went back he decided to go for a walk and try and work some of his nervous energy off. He ignored the growing darkness and settled for simply wandering the paths until he reached a small sitting area and sat down.

~~~ Frankie talks to Haruke

Once Frankie arrived home she noticed Haruke wasn't in the room. He might be upstairs but normally he was getting help with his homework, chatting, or relaxing. Most evenings were spent that way for all of them. Occasionally some of them would retire to their rooms early if they were tired or wanted quiet time, "Haruke upstairs?" She asked everyone.

Gaku shook his head, "He needed some space and headed out of the house a while ago. Something has him worked up." All four of them were having troubles adjusting and getting used to this new life. He knew some of their worries was about what would happen when she left. She'd indicated they could possibly work for the Ashima pack or hopefully come back with her. Since so many things in their lives had been promised and then broken, they were having problems believing she meant it. Talking to the Luna was helping but... It was so hard to deal with.

"Thanks, I'll go and look for him and see if he wants to talk." Frankie had been watching all of them, including the girls, since this was such a massive change. Even for the girls coming from good homes it was going to take time to get used to. For the guys it was going to be a huge struggle. There was no way they could simply say 'oh, nice, everything will be lovely now'. Hell, even for her she was still having problems with certain aspects of the Japanese culture.

After sniffing the air, thankfully it was fairly still, she found his scent and started following it. Following it to the gym didn't take long but she didn't bother going in since she smelled him coming out also. It took some time to find him since he'd wandered quite a distance. Frankie finally

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