Chapter 21 - The Fight

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~~~ Maiko Del A Shanta

Even though she'd introduced herself as Maiko Waga, it was her mother's maiden name. Her clan name, Del A Shanta, was a famous sect of demon hunters. They did their best to keep who they were secret. She still wasn't sure why she'd been sent but her mother had been moved to a temple distantly connected to them. It'd given them a good reason for her to come with. All they'd told her was something was going to happen but that was it.

It had been a horrible shock coming here. She'd lived her entire life in a small village. It wasn't a primitive place but nothing like this place. Maiko had felt like a hick since she could only stare at the sheer number of buildings, people, and vehicles. The advertising signs blew her away. It seemed like every tall building had one or more and they were advertising things she'd never heard of. When she'd reached the temple they were living at, she'd collapsed onto her futon and laid there for a while.

Going to the school had been almost as shocking. So many kids and that bloody uniform. She'd had a uniform back home, but the skirts were at least a reasonable length. She didn't realize she was thinking almost like Frankie had when she had arrived. The rest of the uniform was okay though a bit form fitting. It bothered her to an extent since she was a very slender teen. As the others had noted she almost looked boyish. At least these gave her a bit of shape. When she'd found the one girl was a boy she'd been utterly shocked. She'd never seen anything like that before.

When she walked into the classroom that first morning she knew there were supernatural. What type she didn't know but could tell none had the feel of evil about them, so she ignored them. Maybe she should have said she thought she'd avoided and ignored them. When she'd encountered Frankie in the Dojo she'd been startled since she was one of the supernatural.

It was one reason she'd started sitting with them at lunch. She wanted to know more about her and the other two at the table. Kami was similar to Frankie while Akane was a different type. She knew Akane was a Kitsune. There was one other, but she hadn't identified him. She knew it was a he, but he was very good at hiding. Again, there was no sense of evil, so she put it on the back burner. She'd eventually figure it out.

About the only thing which gave her even the slightest clue was the earrings they wore. They were being inquired about since she'd discussed them with her mom. Her mom wasn't a demon hunter, she didn't have the talent for it. What she was good at was research. She had an almost encyclopedic memory for anything she found. She was looking into the earrings and was leaning towards them being one of the shifter supernaturals.

It was a bit harder to identify since Frankie was definitely American and many of the supernatural were from Europe. Asia had enough supernatural to keep track of and rarely needed to worry about the European ones.

~~~ At the pack house

The moment the fight broke out the Alpha and Luna knew about it and dispatched the quick response team. It was already in close proximity of the stadium and would only take a short time for them to respond including medical support. It was going to be messy no matter what ended up happening. They also felt the impact of when Haruke was injured.

"Oh Goddess, Haruke... This is going to hurt Frankie so badly." Her mate grabbed an arm to keep her standing. They couldn't leave the territory, or their enforcers would pile on them and lock them into a secure room. The man was dangerous, and their enforcers job was to ensure they were kept safe, *Get medical ready. Haruke might still be alive. If so he's going to need immediate treatment. Call in some of the healers from our allies. Anything we can do in case he's got a chance.*

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