Chapter 15 - Stupidity is Heriditary

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~~~ Teachers office

"I'd like to keep you on. As I said you are very good with the new students. Based on what happened yesterday Suzu has been placed on a leave of absence, until the student council decides what his punishment should be. He's been banned from the Dojo and I've assigned a new captain to run the team."

She was rather startled by that, "Are you sure? After what I did I'd be worried about what the rest of the team might think. It's a moot point as it is right now, since I can't do anything until our doctor removes me from light duty. I'll consider it and give you an answer when I come back." She hated the idea of most people fearing her, some she didn't mind. After that demonstration she was pretty sure some of the students were going to be. Even worse she knew this would turn into another lovely set of rumors.

"Consider it and I expect you to come down at lunch to talk further about it." He dismissed her.

She bowed and walked out of the office and closed the door behind her, "Great, I'm sure there are going to be rumors from hell about yesterday afternoon. Even more now." She sighed as the two females stepped up behind her.

Hikura gave her a slight smile, "I'm sure it'll be fine. Relax and let me do the speaking unless you are spoken to." She hooked her arm around Frankie's and headed off towards the Chairman's office. It didn't take long, and she led Frankie in before one of the guards closed the door behind them.

~~~ Chairwoman's office

Frankie sent acceptance to the Luna as they walked in. She glanced around before her eyes settled on the Suzu and her, his father. She could instantly tell they were related and didn't even have to sniff to tell. Suzu looked almost exactly like his father. Both were looking angry. She was going to take a wild guess it was because they had to deal with females. Channeling the Luna, she kept her expression pleasant. Even as Suzu was glaring at her she didn't bother reacting.

The Chairman gave them a polite smile, "Please have a seat and relax. I'm sure you know Mr. Takahashi and his son Suzu. We are here because a formal complaint has been made against the student Francesca Lohan."

She looked at the other two and it looked like they were swallowing sour grapes, "This is Lady Ashima who is hosting the exchange student Francesca Lohan heir to the Lohan family and businesses."

"I'm going to briefly go over the reason we are here. Don't interrupt until I ask for others to speak. Based on the report from the Kendo Instructor Frankie came to apologize for missing the match. Words were exchanged between Suzu and Francesca. This led to a confrontation between the two. At the end Francesca showed her full abilities. I spoke to several of the senior Kendo students and though the accounts differed somewhat the major details matched what the Instructor said. The words Suzu spoke denigrated not just one of the students but the heir to a family in America. She tried to explain why she was able to do as well as she was. He ignored what was said and then insulted her and her family."

When Suzu's father started to speak, "I said do not interrupt. I'm explaining what was reported to me. Once I'm done speaking I will ask for both sides account. As I was trying to say, after the words she challenged him, and he didn't lay a finger on her. In about fifteen minutes he'd lost his Kendo sword three or four times depending on who was asked. She did this with a broken arm and other injuries from the gas explosion in the Student President's office."

Frankie kept the polite smile on her face. As hard as she was trying to keep traces of amusement off her face she couldn't. As the Chairwoman was speaking she kept her eyes on her. She didn't need to look at Suzu to know what was on his face. His scent was telling her everything. Disgust, terror, revulsion, and hate. He definitely hated her. Her wolf was feeling contentment. Thankfully she wasn't trying to come forward or her eyes would start changing.

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