Chapter 5 - I'm going to tear her apart

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~~~ Communal hotspring

Frankie walked out and settled in the water and sighed since it felt good. Normally she wouldn't have a towel on, but she had to respect the customs. Even as she was starting to relax others came in and settled down in the hot water, "Hey Kami, Akane, this is great. Loving the hot water."

Even as the two settled down the other girls did as well, "It is good isn't it Lady Frankie?" Alto asked as she settled down and had to take a deep breath from the heat. The rooms were lovely and the springs darn good. Since they had towels on the idea of having boys come in didn't really bother her.

Haruke came out and had a towel around his waist when he settled down, "Lady Akane, thank you for the invite. This feels wonderful. Never been to a hot spring before." He lowered his arm with the cast into the water and enjoyed the warmth. There was a bag over it which he'd been given once he'd been checked out.

Akane rolled her eyes at him, "Just Akane. I'm just a normal member of the clan. Not part of the nobles. My mom works with the jewelry makers helping design new pieces. Dad works in the gardens helping to maintain them and working out new sections. Any of the clan have access to the springs as long as we don't overdo it. Now relax and soak for a while." She knew Haruke liked Frankie, so she moved over next to one of the others and started chatting with him.

Several of the girls blushed and giggled when the other guys walked in. They didn't realize this was a special section reserved for the supernatural. Most tended to be communal in nature since they didn't have many nudity taboo's.

Frankie had to admit the four guys were in good shape physically. It was going to take time to polish their rough edges down some. Not all the way since it wouldn't be right. Enforcers shouldn't be polished, but they did need the right ways to act. If they had been in the pack they'd end up doing damn well. When she realized what she was thinking her eyes snapped open, Good Goddess, I am starting to think of them as pack. Part of my pack. I'm going to need to talk to the Alpha and Dad soon.

She glanced at the girls and they were definitely paying attention to her as well. She was starting to form what might become the beginnings of what could become the core of a pack. Either that or when she took over the pack assuming they were still around, *Dad is so going to kill me Kami. What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't take them back with me, can I? I can't just leave them either.* She was forced to groan.

Kami grinned when Frankie contacted her. She'd been seeing it starting and what Frankie said confirmed it, *Talk to the Alpha before calling your father. This is something you will have to talk to them about. I can't help you as much as I wish I could.* "Why the groan Lady Frankie? Do you need a good massage as well?" She had to tease her friend.

"Because I have several people who are a pain in my ass. You being the worst. Still considering tossing you off the balcony. The sooner the better." She almost went after her to tickle her but if she did she knew the towels would end up falling off. They wouldn't care but the others might have issues.

Serika stared at Frankie for a moment before she started grinning, "That's a horrible thing to threaten her with Lady Frankie. Even if it isn't a long drop it would still hurt." She remembered something her father had told someone, "Remember it isn't the fall that hurts, it's the sudden stop at the end."

Everyone turned and stared at her before Frankie started laughing, "With that in mind it might be the third floor I toss her off. She deserves it. What's worse is I know she'd survive just to keep being a pain in my butt."

Alto gave Serika a grossed out look, "I'm sorry but that's horrible. I can't help but think of when we were doing an experiment with melons and at what height they'd start breaking at. Every time someone dropped one I kept seeing brains being exposed." She looked contemplative, "I will have to say in this case the brains were pretty tasty." After they were done they'd collected the melon pieces and eaten them.

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