Chapter 19 - Birthday

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~~~ Maiko comes to lunch

The next day was Friday thankfully and she was looking forward to the weekend. Kami had informed her they were going out Saturday for an evening out. Dress up, have a nice dinner, maybe some dancing at an 18+ club and sleep in late. She'd been informed of it the night before and she was really looking forward to it. It would be the last evening out before she would be considered an adult. Just thinking about being an adult was enough to make her shiver. It was going to be such a change when she arrived home since her training would really start.

When lunch rolled around she stretched before pulling out her obento. As she was opening it she sensed Maiko walk up, "Morning Maiko, what can I do for you?" She wasn't going to be a bitch, but she was going to keep the girl at arm's length. After the last couple of weeks, she was feeling on the suspicious side.

Maiko gave her a shy smile, "Would you mind if I joined you? Don't know anyone yet but since we are both in Kendo I figured it would be something." As she was talking she noticed the earrings everyone was wearing.

*Be on your best behavior and don't discuss pack things.* She sent to everyone, "Sure, pull a desk up and have a seat." While Maiko was doing that she finished opening her obento and almost sighed. She would have preferred the meat based sushi but not with Maiko joining them. It was a traditional lunch which was still pretty good.

She did that and glanced at the obento's Frankie and Kami had and had to raise an eyebrow, "If I tried to eat that much I'd probably explode. I like your earrings. Where'd you get them?" She started to reach over to touch it.

"We have an evil taskmaster of a trainer at the clan. Believe me if I didn't eat this much I'd probably keel over from hunger. Same goes for everyone. Besides Kami, Akane, and I were hurt not long ago when there was a gas explosion in the Sinchow's office." She didn't even think when she reached up and grabbed Maiko's hand, "Please don't. It is a family crest and can't be purchased."

Sinchow had to toss in her two cents, "And not appropriate for school. Should be understated earrings which don't stick out. Not some glaring wolf curved around your ears." As an added touch she glared at all of them as she was talking.

Akane rolled her eyes, "At least mine is subtler and doesn't stick out as much." She had a fox wrapped around her ear. It matched her fox's colors and blended well with her hair and skin. Also, the way she wore her hair tended to hide it to an extent.

Maiko twitched when Frankie grabbed her hand. It wasn't a tight grasp but if felt like steel when she tried to move, "Sorry Lady Frankie, I didn't mean to upset you." She pulled her hand back and was glad when she let go, "How'd you get into Kendo?"

Haruke snickered, "Because Judo wouldn't have been a good choice for her. I think she just likes to watch the others in the club cry when she beats on them." He grinned at Frankie when he said that.

Maiko almost choked on the bite of food she'd taken, "That's a horrible reason to have joined. It isn't nice making the boys cry. Not unless you are breaking their hearts. That's okay then." She traded looks with several of the girls.

Akane rolled her eyes, "Yup, I've fallen in with a bad crowd. Oh, the one muttering about 'not appropriate' is the school president. I think she sits with us, so she can ensure we aren't being inappropriate with our conversations. For some reason she decided we need adult supervision." She wrinkled her nose at Sinchow.

Sinchow glowered back at Akane, "Darn straight, most of your conversations and all of your jokes are not school approved or appropriate. Maiko, just don't ask unless you want to be traumatized. I know I am." She started chewing on a piece of omelet.

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