Chapter 3 - Planning for the Cultural Festival

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~~~ Talking to the Luna

Thankfully the next day was a day off. Frankie really needed to talk to the Alpha about what had happened the last day or two. She was more than willing to accept some sort of punishment for what happened. Much of it was her fault.

After breakfast she was heading towards his office when the Luna caught one of her arms and tucked it around hers, "I've been wanting to talk to you Frankie, or should it be Lady Frankie?" She gave her a knowing grin when she called her the second name.

Frankie was startled but it wasn't unexpected for the Luna to occasionally collect a wolf and talk to them. They didn't even need to have a problem for the Luna to do that. It was her job to check on the mental health of the pack, "Luna if it wasn't for most of the people being human who're calling me Lady Frankie someone would have been bitten by now. I might be the Alpha Heir but I'm not a lady. I know how to act that way since I've been trained but it isn't who I am." It really wasn't. She was rather aggressive and forward but not to hurt anyone.

"I understand Frankie. I remember being your age and having a title being hung on me I didn't want. Mind you that was some time ago, but I really wasn't that much different than you. I was raised differently but I was still a young woman who wanted to see the other properties. I wanted to learn how to use the sword and spear. Fight as the boys were trained to." She gave Frankie's arm a squeeze, "I'm occasionally jealous of the freedom girls and women have nowadays." She led her into her office and closed the door.

She gave the Luna a good look and didn't sense any teasing from the Luna, "Never thought about that. You seem to be all things a lady. You have things all together, cultured, know what to say, and always composed. Next to you I feel like an uncouth baby wolf." Her mother was similar to the Luna but still very American in attitude and actions. The Luna had a grace which seemed to transcend nationalities. Frankie could stand to learn a great deal from her on how to be a Luna. It didn't help that Frankie didn't want to be just a Luna. She was going to be a co-leader and her mate had better understand that. When they walked into the office she settled down on a couch.

The Luna had to laugh, "I wish I could show you what I had been like as a young she-wolf. My mother despaired of making me into a lady. She muttered about my knees always being dirty and scratched. My kimonos were always dirty and stained from fighting with the he-wolves." She poured some coffee and tea for the two of them. Frankie definitely liked coffee, but she'd never developed a taste for it, "Frankie it's called growing up, learning, and becoming who you are going to be. To some Japanese you might be considered uncouth, but I watched you yesterday. You are a natural leader and it shows. Those four males aren't following you just because you trounced their tails. They can tell you will kick their asses until they straighten up. With the girls I know at least one has a crush on you. How did you meet them?"

All she could do was stare at the Luna since she simply couldn't imagine her with scraped knees or a dirty kimono. It just didn't fit her image of the Luna. When she realized she was staring she flushed and looked at the coffee she was handed. As she listened she felt the red of her cheeks deepen. It wasn't the compliment about her being a natural leader but the question of how she'd met the girls, "Um, can we classify that is an accident? As far as the crush I know and wouldn't mind spending time with her, but the Alpha said not to."

"Oh my, it must be an interesting story if you don't want to speak about it. I'd love to hear the story. I won't tell anyone. Mostly I just wanted to talk to you and see how you are doing. I'm not worried about what's happened and I told my mate to let me talk to you. He'd be all grumpy and growl a lot. Since you are still a pup you fall under my providence." She had settled in a chair across from Frankie and was giving her a knowing smile.

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