Chapter 8- The Dreaded Cultural Festival

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~~~ Saturday

The house had been cleaned within an inch of its life. Everything had been dusted, washed and polished. Frankie had taken the time to thank the junior wolves who'd been cleaning. Then again, she'd pitched in with the others to ensure their rooms were as clean as possible. It had almost shocked the junior wolves, but Frankie simply couldn't sit and watch them to the entire thing. She was sure they understood why but it was only right to thank them. She'd talked to the Alpha and he'd approved of the visit and understood why it was happening.

When the small limo pulled up she and Kami were waiting for them. Frankie was almost bouncing on her feet since she wanted to make the best impression as possible. Over the last month or so she'd come to care for the ones who'd decided to follow her. When the families of two of the girls and the girls climbed out of the limo she almost hurried over and gave them a good hug, "Welcome to the Ashima properties. As you know I'm Francesca Lohan. I hope you enjoy your visit." She had to blush when she spoke since humans didn't normally hug. She'd forgotten when she'd given them the hug.

Alto's mother returned the hug, "I hope so as well. The house does look nice as does the bit of property we can see." She'd heard of the clan, and they were well off and well thought of.

Another set of parents were looking around, "Serika you have fallen in the lap of luxury." They were well off, but this place was beautiful.

Serika leaned against her father, "It isn't why I'm here dad. Lady Frankie is such a wonderful person and has asked us for help. She is an exchange student. She needs the help with school and if we are here she doesn't need to spend so many long hours doing everything she has." She did glance at Frankie, "I'll admit the rooms are very nice."

Frankie glowered at her, "Tickle, turn blue, grumble. Please come in. The food is ready, and I completely forgot to mention there are several adults who take care of the house. They live here and will keep an eye on everyone." They wouldn't interfere with intimacy unless needed but it might help the parents relax.

She showed them into the house and one of the parents let out a low whistle, "Can I move in as well. This is a very nice place." He was looking around and the inside was as nice or nicer than the outside. His wife frowned at him and he had to grin at her.

"I'd need a larger place if families started moving in. If you do decide to allow your girls to move in, you would have free access to them and part of the property. We have pools, hot springs, and plenty of gardens. The food is good if somewhat different than I'm used to." She was doing her best to come across as best possible.

She turned and looked at the others, "This is Haruke, and several of his friends. Before you ask we do have separate rooms and they know better than to try anything. They are also working on their homework and might end up working for the clan." She couldn't say pack even though it was what they were.

"If you will sit down food will be out in a minute. We hope you enjoy it. We decided on a beef hot pot as well as some toasted bread and a few other sides." One of the junior wolves told them. The table was set and there was a rice steamer on the table and it had been set to be done shortly. They figured Frankie would end up talking for a time.

Frankie didn't think when she settled down at the head of the table. It was simply part of who she was. She almost had to roll her eyes when Haruke sat down to one side of her and Kami the other, "We have tea, coffee, and even a few soda's. I can't stand them but some of the others do."

One father gave her a curious look, "I understand being an exchange student but what brought you to Japan? Wouldn't it have been easier to have gone to a country which spoke English?" There was something about her which almost demanded respect.

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