Chapter 14 - Sinchow and the team

978 124 71

~~~ First morning back at school

Sinchow gave her slight bow, "I'd like to see you after class. We need to discuss a few things." The entire scene with the necklace had shocked the hell out of her. Once she'd woken she'd talked to several of the kitsunes and was horrified. Knowing the four of them had almost died had started a panic attack. When the Clan Leader came down and held her it'd helped a huge amount.

"Not a problem. I'm going to stop by the Kendo club and make my apologies for having missed the tournament. Once I'm done with that I'll swing past your office. Not sure how long I'll remain. I'm feeling beat and tried." She looked at the heavy clouds, "At least it isn't raining yet. Not going to hold my breath. Till lunch."

When they walked into class and they were told to report to an empty room to finish the tests she sighed. All of them showed up as instructed and started taking the tests. By the time lunch rolled around she had another raging headache and her back was tense again. After sitting down with the obento, she groaned, "Great, I feel like I did last Monday. I have a headache and my back is stiff. At least I'm done with the tests for now. Hope there's something good in the box today."

Kami yawned, "Tell me about it. Dragging my cast around is making my butt sore." She glowered at everyone, "I'm not taking offers to have it massaged so don't bother!" Both of their obento's were packed with raw meat sushi since they needed the protein to keep healing.

Frankie looked around and found Sinchow was asleep on her desk, she looked paler than earlier. The darn girl should probably be at home to keep recovering. The teacher wasn't in the room, so she looked at Haruke, "Let's take her to the nurse's office so she can get some decent rest."

She gave the woman a knowing look, "Can do. She probably shouldn't be here right now. Then again I'd almost be tempted to fall asleep for a few hours." She heard Kami grunt in agreement.

He gently picked her up and glared around, "Nobody mention who took her down. I have a feeling she'd be horrified." Haruke looked like he wasn't sure about carrying her because she'd yelled at all four of them many times.

When they walked into the nurse's office Frankie automatically sniffed and the nurse smelled human. It wasn't always accurate, but it usually was, "She fell asleep at her desk and probably shouldn't have come back to school yet."

The Nurse glanced up and sighed, "No, she shouldn't. Close the door behind you and I'll check on both of you. How's Kami doing?" As she was talking she gave Sinchow a good once over.

"Beat like I am. Healing sucks. I've never been hurt like this before. I brought her obento in case she wakes, she's going to need it. I'll check on her after school and bring her books and stuff down. Damn stubborn woman." She could hear her stomach starting to rumble.

"Have you been able to shift recently? If not do so as soon as you can, and it'll help with your healing. Sit down for a moment and let me give you a quick once over." She had to raise an eyebrow when Haruke moved just behind her, "Not going to hurt her son. Relax. I just want to make sure if she should go back to class." Checked her eyes, tongue, and vitals before giving her a searching look, "Go laydown and no arguments Frankie. Have Kami report down and she can bring your lunch."

She sighed since she had a feeling this would happen, "Yes Ma'am." *Kami the nurse wants to see you, come down and get seen. Bring my lunch and have one of the girls bring Sinchow's book bag down. I have a feeling she's going to be asleep for the rest of the day.* "Go back to class Haruke. I know you'd prefer to remain, but I doubt you'd be allowed to." She gave him a good hug before sitting on the edge of a bed and waited.

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